City of University Place announcement.

Traveling around U.P. will soon be easier with completion of the Alameda Avenue Extension construction. This project fills a critical gap in the City’s street network, connecting the southern end of Alameda Avenue (at 62nd Avenue W.) to the eastern end of 62nd Street (at 64th Avenue W.). Once completed, there will be a new, continuous route between 67th Avenue (near Fred Meyer) all the way to Cirque Drive at the Alameda roundabout. This roadway will be renamed to Alameda Drive between 67th Avenue and Cirque Drive.
This project will improve traffic circulation, reduce congestion and provide critical improvements to emergency vehicle response times in this part of the city. In addition, new streetlights and sidewalks will improve motorist and pedestrian safety. Although the new connection will make travel more efficient, the U.P. Police Department will be conducting patrols in the area once the road opens to deter speeding.
Finishing touches are underway and the roadway is scheduled to be open by the end of the month.
Is it possible to show a map?
No map was provided, but my guess would be the following.