Submitted by Anthony Caprara Jr.
I still am part owner of our house at 5833 112th. St. I and my sister played with Lucy and Alex Formwalt who lived in this house. The hidden room upstairs and the root cellar out back. They had a barn which they had 3 horses that romped in the field where the Lakewood county club was built. Theirs was a cool house.
In the front room was a grand piano which Mrs. Formwalt played. They had a garage out back which Mr. Formwalt had a huge train setup. Below this house were apple and plum trees. The field would sometimes get flooded from Clover Creek.
Well just a short story.
It’s very long because I know Lakewood real good from being one of the first newspaper boys at 7 years old for The Suburban Times, then the TNT.
Many life experiences in Lakewood. Our house was moved from the Colonial Center from across the street from Hess bakery. It stood where the old Godfather pizza was, but was moved in 1955.
Sorry long story.
Walked to the old post office on Lakeview with our mother to pick up mail.
That’s all. I’m 70 and tired tonight. Thank you kindly. St. Francis Cabrini 1st graduating class.
Anthony Caprara Jr.,
We do not know each other, but I must reach out to you and thank you for your taking the time to share your story about your historic home.
If my memory is correct, I wrote a story about your house along with a photo of the house and the historic sign out front. My story appeared under the byline, Westside Story and was published in the previous century, right after your sister moved into the property.
I always gazed at the old estate when walking or driving past.
Thanks for sharing.
Joseph Boyle – Former Lakewood Resident – 51 years
Thank you for sharing, Anthony!
I had the privileged of touring the ground floor of the Boatman House back in the 80s when my son’s UPS professor owned it and he graciously gave me the tour.
He had stayed true to the period of the house with antique furniture and incidentals.
Actually I wasn’t even aware of the house back then hidden by trees as it was even though I drove past by on 112th many times.
My son Steve being interested in history of Lakewood and history in general was instrumental in my meeting Dr Gunter and hence the tour.
All personal history relating to present day structures still standing is so important in their preservation. We are losing too many old places and the history that goes with them.
Thank you Mr Caprara for the article and to Joe Boyle for his contribution as always.
Thank you. It’s always fun to hear the history of the area.