By Paul Wagemann and David Anderson

Disciplinary issues, citizen complaints against a board director, more on the mascot naming matter, COVID recovery, and graduation rates are all slated for presentation and discussion at the school board workshop on Monday, January 24, 5:30 pm.
At the January 10, 2022, Clover Park School Board meeting, Director David Anderson made a motion “that the school Board have on its regular agenda, as soon as time for relevant reports are prepared, the subject of school discipline.” The motion, seconded by Director Paul Wagemann, was passed unanimously by the Board.
Though “tentative and subject to change” the agenda – which can be found here – indicates that the discipline report will be made by Brian Laubach.
Meanwhile a preliminary analysis of disciplinary issues within the Clover Park School District by school year, school, race, and offenses has been published.
Though no public comment period is provided at school board workshops, the public may attend in person at the Student Services Center, Room 4, 10903 Gravelly Lake Dr SW.
The meeting will also be live-streamed on Zoom: Passcode: 929326 or via Telephone US: +1 253 215 8782. Webinar ID: 886 8940 9122 and follow the prompts. You do not need to download any special software. All you need to do is click the above link. If you have any questions, please contact Carmen Lewis at or call (253) 583-5190.
To clarify, the statistics were obtained from the Clover Park School District through a Freedom of Information Act and analyzed by a community resident.
This ‘Hot Topics’ preview of the upcoming meeting of the Clover Park School District Board (CPSD) is provided by CPSD Board Directors Paul Wagemann and David Anderson who do not speak for the board but only for themselves, their purpose being to express their commitment as elected representatives to keep the public informed on matters they believe are likely to concern their constituents.
Thank you for posting agenda issues which are of concern in the community.
The agenda was difficult to find on the Clover Park School District website. It isn’t included with the notice of the Board meeting, nor does the notice tell where to find it. I finally found a link, but the date was listed as January 20 instead of the actual date of January 24, which is finally listed correctly when one finds the agenda.
The comments made by the board members at this meeting were a clear indication they have zero clue who they serve. I’m not just talking about the obvious, 2 peas in a pod…the authors of this notice; member Veliz do you believe the words that came out of your own mouth when addressing Lochburn discipline?
The Lakewood community should be ashamed of who they’ve elected to represent the district and district staff must surely be embarrassed! And for goodness sakes, can the district not afford decent audio equipment or does the new board member Anderson just talk like he has a mouth full of rocks? And I agree about the website, it’s not user friendly and why does the search option continuously send you to a now defunct Woodbrook page? Sometimes it’s the simple things that make a difference.