Lakewood Community Foundation Fund in partnership with City of Lakewood has announced the fifth Annual Larry Saunders Service Award was given to two winners in an unusual double presentation via Zoom, Tuesday evening, 18 January 2022.
WILLIAM HARDIN HARRISON, First Mayor of Lakewood, and PARTNERS FOR PARKS were recognized for their many years of extraordinary service to Lakewood community. A $1,000 grant, accompanied each award, with the first going to Communities in Schools and the second as named.
Each year we remember our dear friend Larry Saunders by awarding an individual or group award bearing his name in recognition of their community service efforts. Keeping his legacy alive is something that is important to all who knew him. Congratulations to General Harrison and Partners for Parks
What’s a wonderful
And thoughtful way to
Recognize Larry Saunders. He was an effective leader and great friend.
Jan Lucas