West Pierce Fire & Rescue social media post.
More calls for help in the first 11 months of 2021 compared to all of 2020.
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West Pierce Fire & Rescue social media post.
More calls for help in the first 11 months of 2021 compared to all of 2020.
As of November 30, our firefighters have already responded to more calls this year than in all of 2020. Overall, call volume is up nearly 9% for the year and we run an average of 48 calls per day.
— West Pierce Fire & Rescue (@WestPierce) December 18, 2021
We are so proud to be able to serve our community when they need it most. pic.twitter.com/w4Arwu7qJp
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Firefighters, EMTs, nurses and doctors and other health care and hospital workers all deserve our repeated thanks for helping humanity through another pandemic-ridden tumultuous year.