Submitted by Rebecca Weisenhaus.

Sadly, Clover Park High School’s mascot may soon be retired despite widespread community push back. The name change of their mascot has been a hot button issue for many people in our community, particularly alumni. The name “Warriors” will no longer be chanted. Being that we live in such a heavily populated military community, it has been argued to keep the name “Warriors” intact and associate it with an appropriate mascot.
At the recent school board meeting our newly sworn-in board member, David Anderson, brought up postponing the decision on this historic name change until further discussion, research and consideration can be done to include inviting local tribes to the table. David, who is strongly involved in our community, has seen and heard your thoughts throughout our community since the discussion came up at the last school board workshop (November 22). As a result, he wants your voices to be heard by the entire board. David was instrumental in getting the board to unanimously agree to postpone the decision. Per the school district at Dec. 13 meeting, OSPI isn’t being sticklers to the December 31 deadline since the district is “in the process”, so this topic will be discussed at the January board meeting.
YOUR VOICE MATTERS! I encourage all of you to attend the next school board meeting in January and share your thoughts on this matter (or any other matter pertaining to our schools). The meeting will be held on January 10, 2022, 6 pm, at the Student Services Center, Room 4, 10903 Gravelly Lake Drive SW.
Below is the link to all upcoming school board meetings and workshops for 2022.
I agree, allow community input. Warrior could be applied to a military figure….if the board would even allow that.
There goes the Wounded Warrior Program.
Last month I got a new Android phone with what appears to be a stock Android text message app. When I was texting someone about this topic and typed in “Warrior” this –> 🪖 army helmet was the emoji that popped up. If Google/Android still lets me type “Warrior” and makes that emoji suggestion then I think it is safe to use this image and keep the long standing mascot name for the oldest High School in Lakewood and maintain the heritage.
Finally some common sense. Braves, Warriors, Chiefs, Winterhawks, Indians, Seminoles etc. Have we become that Woke that we are now canceling the Native Americans and all there names and words associated with them? The word Warrior is offensive, the word Braves is offensive? A beautiful image of a Chief is offencive? To who? I agree some mascot images need to go, but that is not the case at CP.
PS; I graduated from CP in 65.
Why don’t we use a few common names? I propose white crackers.
“White cracker”? Used as a disparaging term for a white person, especially one who is poor and from the southeast United States. (noun). As derogatory a term for white people as a certain “N” word is to blacks. Thanks for bringing race into the discussion. Typical of the real racists in Lakewood: project or transfer your own racism on others whom you know nothing about.
The change certainly reveals a lack of imagination as it would be a no brainer to sincerely communicate that “warrior” refers to any individual acting as part of a team with courage and fortitude on a shared goal. No bias there. Perhaps it’s not too late for a measured and inclusive response that retains the warrior image and word
The Puyallup tribe was consulted and asked for Warriors not to be used. Why did Dave not mention this in his article in the patch ? This postponement could also mean the students won’t get to play sports, why are students not first? This was also not mentioned in Dave’s article as well. Very telling what his priorities are.
This whole issue reveals how weak, deluded, and pathetic our local society has become.
Predictably, that’s what you get by pandering to the weakest and least stable.
A true leader “warrior” can not afford to identify too closely with the weakest in his/her element.
At most we should be providing a minimalist existance for the weak, which is more than they can/are doing for themselves.
The last thing we should be doing is following them.
We need warriors not whiners.
Facts are painful at times but they are what reality is made of.
“until further discussion, research and consideration can be done to include inviting local tribes to the table. ”
I agree with David. Let’s see what the local tribes say about this. If the majority of tribes agree that the name should stay……end of discussion!! A very simple answer.
For the people who brought this up, get their names, and let’s see them in print in the Suburban Times. Your readers want to know, especially this one.
Seems like the school board has already made up their minds, and the current activity is just an exercise in futility.
Clover Park Pansies. (Warriors)
Sumner Rhubarbs, (Spartans)
Puyallup Daffodils (Vikings)
Changing history is the woke generations agenda’
The Puyallup Tribe already said NO? Do you want to go against their wishes? Why didn’t Paul or Dave stand up for the tribe? They already know this, it’s in the last school board minutes!
Maybe because the Puyallup Tribe didn’t elect Paul and Dave……..the people who pay for and attend Clover Park High School did.