A Clover Park School District story.

Our Promising Futures featured student this week is Harrison Preparatory School senior Hannah Pulido.
She enjoys studying history and said she is currently getting a lot out of her cultural studies class. “I think it’s fun because you get to learn about different perspectives of other people and their cultures and traditions,” she said. “I really enjoy learning about other peoples’ experiences as a way to help myself have a better perspective and open mindedness to different situations.”
Hannah is a member of the school’s green team and participated in Pierce County’s Youth Environmental and Sustainability Summit, which allows her to think about and tackle important environmental issues happening in the world.
She played violin in the Tacoma Youth Symphony for four years and would like to continue playing violin recreationally in college.
Promising students, teachers and staff deserve recognition: celebrate them! However, these recent posts by CPSD are little more than “eyewash” propaganda to cover the general failure of CPSD to address the academic standing of its student population.
Specific examples of success: great. But how about CPSD start addressing the not so great aspects that desperately need improvement? For instance that the District is in the bottom 35% of schools academically. Or that CPHS is in the bottom 18% of state high schools.
For every “Hannah Pulido” there are many more who are not being served by the District in preparation for adult life after high school. That’s the rest of the story behind this propaganda.