City of University Place announcement.
The Chambers Creek Trail project saw the craning in and placement of its first pedestrian bridge across the creek yesterday, Oct. 26, downstream from Kobayashi Park. When finalized the bridge will provide a safe crossing point for trail users between U.P. and Lakewood, and prevent wading through the creek, which can cause environmental damage.
This is just one component of the continuing work being done, a multi-agency effort between the cities of University Place and Lakewood, and Pierce County. Find out more about the project and what’s happening next on the Chambers Creek Canyon Trail website.
Ok, so I know this seems like a good thing but really is it? What kinds of foot traffic will find it’s way through the Oakbrook neighborhood from the UP side? The path up goes right by many private homes. Hopefully, it won’t increase crime.
Also, if this bridge could be done, why was there never a bridge or road and bridge done from the back side of the Oakbrook neighborhood out to Steilacoom High School/ Steilacoom Blvd area? Students live in this part of Oakbrook but must be transported a few miles East out of the neighborhood, and a few miles back west towards the high school when in fact they could be walking or biking to school.