As reported back in May 2021 by KIRO TV the CPSD website was hacked. I have read several submitted letters, here in the Suburban Times, about the District not notifying student’s families with regard to what info may have been stolen, as a result of the hack.
I have been employed by CPSD on 3 separate occations, so I too had concerns about what information may have been hacked and was my personal information comprimised.
Today, October 18, 2021, I received a letter from CPSD which was dated October 6, 2021. The first line of the letter noted that the District was writing to inform me of a “recent” incident which may have affected my personal information. The second paragraph again begins that CPSD “recently” became aware of suspicious activity impacting their computer system and the paragraph ends with “an investigation concluded August 27, 2021.” The letter also says out of an “abundance of caution” I am being offered credit monitoring.
While I appreciate the credit monitoring I have great concern that it took 5 months to even be notified. If the District was being abundantly cautious you would think this information would have been provided much sooner. Maybe, even before the investigation was fully completed. I personally find it hard to believe if took 90 days to investigate but even more so that it took an additional 30 plus days to notify the victims of this data breach. As the details became clear they should have had a letter ready to go, on August 28th at the latest. The hackers have now had 5 months to use my personal information and I think we all know that even one day is enough time to wreak havoc.
We all know the old adage “the buck stops at the top.” Well Marty Schafer, you are at the top and in my book this is just one more example of mismanagement by you as the Board President. For me, just one more reason why you need ro be voted out come early November.
As of today, parents STILL don’t know exactly what information on our children was compromised.
It’s inexcusable.
I can’t imagine how employees or former employees feel.
Mr. Hills,
I believe you were the man who requested time to speak at a school board meeting and decided to hold your phone up to the microphone and forced us to listen for 3 minutes to some guy talking about your latest issues. At the next meeting you tried to use your phone to show pictures during your allotted time.
I no longer trust your judgment.
Marty Schafer must be the better candidate. Thanks for helping make up my mind.
First off I did not force anyone to listen to anything. You could have politely walked out as I have done when I am finished listening. Secondly, when did you trust my judgment and I’m honestly confused on why the use of my phone to present factual information changed your opinion of my judgment. It also concerns me that all you recall is my phone and not what the topic I presented each evening.
Here’s my question to you. When someone has held a position for so many years and several negative issues resulted under their direction why wouldn’t voters make a change. It is a fact my identity was stolen under Marty’s tenure. It is also true that under his tenure there have been at least 3 superintendents where educatuonal outcomes have been stagnant. It is also true under his tenure the board does more of what the Union wants vs. what do. For example double digit percentage raises which has allowed teachers to earn up to, and a few over, $100,000. Why should teachers earn that much when the test scores are lacking and the students come feom the poorest families around the entire state from what I keep reading. That is not equitable!
It troubles me that you are offended by the facts and may vote to support more failure within CPSD Leaderahip.
LOL! “Thanks for helping make up my mind.” At least try to be honest: you’ve been in the incumbents corner from the very start and nothing is going to change that.