Submitted by Richard Mercier.

Regardless of whether you have children in the University Place School District or not, if you live here, then this letter is to you.
The upcoming election in November impacts all of us as grandparents, parents, guardians, and citizens. With so many concerning stories surrounding education coming out here at home, from other districts around Washington, and the nation at large, University Place needs a school board member who will be open and transparent with what our district is doing and how our district is addressing the changing landscape of education. Someone they can reach out to for honest answers. A fellow parent who, like all parents, wants the focus of their schools to be on providing a solid education that will prepare children for future success on the paths that they choose.
With federal officials and teachers unions attempting to silence and even punish moms and dads for simply wanting to know what is being taught in their children’s classrooms, we need someone who is advocating for increased parental involvement in education. The future of education affects all of us! We, as a community, want what is best for our children and we, as a community, want to know that our school board officials are looking out for the best interest of our children and our neighbor’s children.
Your vote can be the difference between having someone you can trust for an honest and sincere answer or continuing on the path of denial and deflection. It’s time for a change and a voice for parents on the University Place School Board.
“Silence the parents”? What kind of propaganda is this? Isn’t Holtz is the one who invested a bunch of time and money trying to silence *teachers* just because just because she would prefer our state teach a sex ed program based in the 1850s, let alone the 1990s one I went through at Curtis, or God forbid something based on actually-recent scientific info (or designed to help young kids feel comfortable about coming forward when they are being abused)? Actually, her campaign page suggests she would clearly remove *all* sex ed (and art, and social studies, and science) from schools because she doesn’t understand how these skills are relevant to building decent human beings (which contributes greatly to employability) instead of a bunch of robots who can pass a standardized test but will perform poorly in college, and/or not have the kind of life skills needed to find and learn a trade.
Your post here was alarming but when I looked, I didn’t see much to support your claims. Will you please provide some areas for those of us still deciding how to vote?
Where does it say she wants to take out art, science etc? Stop getting on a soapbox if you haven’t actually learned about her campaign and views. The new sex-ed curriculum absolutely does not “encourage kids to come forward” it normalizes abusive behavior. Tell me, if someone at a park showed the exact same material that’s being shown to kids in school they would have the cops called on them (rightfully so).
As for dumping money into silencing teachers: what world are you living in? Parents across the country are being called terrorists for standing up for their children!
Parents have little to no voice in the current education system. Whitney would be a VOICE for parents on the school board.
Whitney Holz is a fantastic choice to represent the citizens of University Place School District. She comes from a bi-racial family, she is a mother who is engaged in her children’s education, she is thoughtful, intelligent and engaged in her community. If you want a school board director who will listen and respond to the community, parents, students and teachers Whiney should receive your vote.
This woman should NOT be elected to our school board unless you want to stifle the education our children in University Place deserve. She will push the clock back years to ensure that our kids and grandkids aren’t “tainted” by the real world. Please use your vote to ensure that our school district remains progressive and grounded in the 21st century!
Soooo you want kids exposed to the all the craziness of our current world? There’s a difference between preparing them for life and stifling their ability to grow and learn in a safe and empowering environment. Let’s protect kids. We can do better.
“Progressive” is what has us in this mess. Whitney will not turn back the clock. If anything, she will promote academic success, not political ideology in classrooms. True academic success that will allow each child to excel based on their own merit and hard work!
There are those in this community who would like you to believe that Whitney Holz has the sole power to change laws. What she does have is the desire to be the people’s representative on the school board. A voice for ALL concerned parents. School boards believe that parents have NO SAY in what is taught to their children. I say that parents need someone like Whitney Holz to be their eyes and ears. Someone all parents can turn to for honest and sincere answers. Whitney Holz is needed now more than ever.
Her opponent states that she is the current Vice President and school board Director, impressive! But like a lot of things, there seem to be some things left out of her resume that are most troubling. How do you work for two prior school boards and not mention either one of them? Makes you wonder.
Do the citizens of University Place want an honest and transparent school board or one that closes the door so that you the parents can’t see in?
Not to mention, there’s no shortage of school board members advocating for the status quo. Yea she has experience in the school system? So does Whitney, as a PARENT. A type of experience we’re vastly missing in UP.
Doesn’t understand public education? She has two elementary school boys in the public education system. She deals with it on a daily basis. Unfortunately “public education” has become more and more the purview of past and present “educators”………like yourself………..who feel that they and not the students’ parents should be determining what education is all about.
It’s gotten to the point where politicians (like Virginia Governor past and present candidate McAuliffe) can openly come out against parental participation in their children’s education. Who are ultimately responsible for those students? The parents are and only entrust them to schools for their education. It’s the reason we have elected Boards by the parents to represent them within the school district. When Boards fail to do so they should be replaced by Board members who will.
It seems that some in this community want to ignore the past indiscretions of others and attack the innocent. That’s what they do John. Attempt to distract from the obvious and manipulate the conversations with false allegations.
Whitney Holz will make an excellent school board member. Someone that parents can turn to for a voice of truth and understanding. The school board needs a mix of people with different points of view to be able to come to a conclusion that satisfies those they serve not just those in charge. It’s time we get back to the fundamentals of education and leave the social ideologies out of our schools.
The fact that you’re attacking a mother with school-age children for supposedly not having experience in the school system is exactly why people should vote for her. Your comment is an assault on all parents with kids in public schools.
Imagine thinking parents’ voices are useless. Wow. Do better
Pardon me Chris, but have you actually taken a look at the SEXUALITY education curriculum? There are different versions, but all cover the same topics. You know, the ones that teach kids about sex positions in 4th grade, touching themselves feels good in Kindergarten, showering together in 7th grade “promotes intimacy”, and using Playboy/Penthouse magazine as supplemental teaching materials in 12th grade? You’re fine with all of this? If the answer is yes, remind my kids to stay away from yours because that is not the influence I want them to be around. This does NOT belong in schools – it belongs to the parents. Reproductive health is valuable in schools – sexuality educations is NOT!
It’s clear that many commenters above have never spoken with Whitney personally. Had they done so, they would quickly realize that their comments are not only false, but the complete antithesis of who she is and what she stands for. As a teacher, I endorse Whitney wholeheartedly. We live in a time in which school districts are hiding their curriculum, their agendas and their communication amongst themselves. They are absolutely stifling and ignoring parental input. Whitney stands for trust, truth and transparency – which is what we need the most right now. We do not need political opinions and agendas taught in schools. What we need are educators and a School Board supportive of teaching core educational topics and only that! Whitney has children in the district, is a business woman, is incredibly articulate, and conducts herself with the utmost class. Again, as a teacher by profession, I couldn’t recommend her more – she is EXACTLY what this district needs!
As a Mom with a child at Curtis high school and a child in middle school I wholeheartedly support Whitney. We need more people like her standing up for parental voices!
As a mother I know I can feel confident Whitney Holz will represent parents and children as a university place board member . I believe we need a person that will bring new ideas and will provide more parental involvement in education in our district.
It seems that the “cancel culture” and politics are in full force. Parents have a right to full disclosure as to what’s going on with their children’s education. Has teaching been replaced by indoctrination?
These are the type of comments needed on a post in Nextdoor titled Education first/For the good people of University Place. Please take the time to copy and share your post there.