Submitted by Taniesha Lyons.
This is why Marty Schafer and Alyssa Anderson Pearson get my vote and should get yours too.
The Family Policy Institute of Washington has a clear plan for indoctrination over education according to them anyone who can click the box “other” has no place in the schools.
Religion should not be forced on people it was never God’s way. This is exactly how indigenous children landed in boarding schools to be abused, mistreated, and ultimately murdered because the colonizers had a better way. This is very reminiscent of that time. And why far-right conservatives who follow white supremacy ideology Dave Anderson and possibly Jeff Brown have been endorsed by the Family Policy Institute of Washington; this is also why we can’t allow them the opportunity to sit on the Clover Park school board in Lakewood WA.
This is the mission and vision statement found on the Family Policy Institute of Washington‘s webpage.
Our Mission
Uniting a growing alliance of Churches, Pastors, businesses, allied partners, and individuals we’re helping prepare a new generation of Christian marriage and family-affirming leaders. Working closely with Pastors and other faithful Christian leaders, we help Churches, citizens, businesses develop and boldly promote effective Christian public policy, while providing true accountability for elected officials and public agencies.
Our Vision
To be our nation’s leading statewide Christian public policy & political advocacy organization that is successfully transforming Washington State, where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, marriage and families thrive, and life is cherished.
Whew! Taneisha, cool your jets. I am surprised you side with the elitists’ position that Godlessness is “a good thing.” I am sure your study of history would bring to mind the results of institutionalizing an atheistic regime (communism). Death and destruction is at the end of that road. But I digress.
The side you appear to represent is using the oldest trick in the book to brainwash people. You label two individuals (whose stated purpose to serve on the schoolboard is to improve “education” actual education) as “indoctrinators.” This is the epitome of transference. You accuse the other side of doing exactly what you are doing and what you want to double down on with your CRT et al.
From all indications (just watch the news) there are significant numbers of parents who are objecting to their children being “indoctrinated.” And that is not by Mr. Anderson and Mr. Brown. It is by the current regime of (we know better than the parents) elitists, who in their arrogance impugn the common man. I think the parents and citizens of Lakewood see what’s going on and on November 2nd will send a resounding message, to those you purport to be “smarter” than them, that the gig is up and real education will once again return to Lakewood’s schools. “Elections have consequences!”
Wait, are you really saying that because FPIW is a Christian based organization (typically more conservative) that they represent the goals of the candidate?
By that logic, if you are pro-CRT should I assume Marty and Alyssa are too because you endorse them?
Maybe you forgot the words “…………religious freedom flourishes…..” from the Family Policy Institute vision statement. Doesn’t sound like “indoctrination to me”. However your brand of militant activism especially in support of Critical Race Theory does sound like an attempt at indoctrination. Perhaps that’s the reason Paul Wagemann defeated you in the last Board election 62% to 38%. People know when someone is trying to indoctrinate them. Witness an entire Country resisting attempts by people like you to ram CRT down their throats.
John, perhaps you should look at the Family Policy Institute’s website a bit closer. While they do make the statement concerning religious freedom, they also make clear that they are a bible based, Christian organization. There is no mention of any accommodation for any other religion. In any case church and state should be separate as required by the constitution. I urge all Suburban Times readers to visit the website and form their own opinion.
Sooooo……….you have a problem with organizations that are bible based Christian organizations? You mean like churches all across the Nation and the people who attend them? What about Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, et. al. religious organizations? Are they also a “problem”? Where did you get your concept of morality from: a secular book? When was the last time someone knocked on your door and demanded you take Communion? “Religious indoctrination” is the bogey man the left trots out when they can’t defend their own attempts at indoctrination… Critical Race Theory. The words “…………religious freedom flourishes…..” implies, if not directly states, an accommodation for any other religion or would you rather have an all inclusive list of every possible religion in their vision statement. There is no assertion by them that church and state should not be separate. Get real! You’re reading in a lot of what’s not there and glossing over what is to support your political inclination.
You’re reading in a lot of what’s not there and glossing over what is to support your political inclination.
Are you aware that Marty Schafer is himself a pastor and has a doctorate in “ministry”?
Are you aware that Grant Twyman was the youth pastor of that same church? (Redeem church).
Yet, you support them. You are just butt hurt because Marty and Alyssa didn’t get the endorsement.
If you’ve listened to ANYTHING that David and Jeff have said, they’ve made it clear they are for “Education not indoctrination”.!
They can clearly see, along with the rest of us, how badly our kids are suffering academically. We are failing in multiple core areas and their number one focus is to bring our academics up and get our district out of the bottom 1/3 of the state.
You have clearly graduated from this damn district.
I seriously thought this article was satire at first.
Indoctrination needs to be removed from public schools . Stick with the basics , our kids need the tools to make themselves productive citizens.
One other thing, my own opinion.
This country could use more God in it. I went to public schools Taniesha Lyons , religion was never forced on me, neither was race theory . Neither were the teachers alternate agenda.
How would you define “race theory”? If you mean teaching our real history (with loads of discriminatory practices that are very well documented) then OF COURSE that should be taught.
I totally disagree with you. The current policies of Clover Park Schools are the “brainwashing” problem. The poor education and “dumbing” of curriculum is at fault.
Thanks Ms Lyons. Up until this article I wasn’t sure who to vote for. I know now.
Way to flip the script Ms Lyons.
The shameless nature of progressivism is becoming all too familiar.
We used to just call it a con and
then try not to fall for it.
I agree with Me.Lyons and find most of your comments ludicrous,and lacking knowledge.A few are absolutely hilarious,as they were probably written by individuals that were never actually educators. I certainly hope thatMartty and Alyssa are elected. And seriously how many times does it need to be said that CRT is only taught in college…but it is quite obvious that actual truthful HISTORY needs to be taught in elementary, middle and high school. Or do you ‘people’ still believe Columbus discovered America ?
The FPIW seems like a pretty great organization, thanks for bringing them to my attention! Now that I know they support Dave and Jeff I’ll gladly vote for them! This article may have backfired on you just a bit.
No, of course they aren’t teaching it.
They are only require their teachers use it in praxis creating critical pedagogy.
Most parents don’t want their children being taught under political or religious pedagogy including one based on critical theory.
Attention Taniesha Lyons:
Marty Schafer “an ordained minister” himself and Alyssa Anderson Pearson are the 2 school board members that are indoctrinating CPSD students. They refuse to allow transparency, will not disclose or include parents into the discussions & decisions about the education of their children. You can deflect, twist & spin all you want, but the public is now seeing people like you for what they are. Extreme Radicals.
There is no place for Extreme Radicals or indoctrination tactics in schools period, unless you live in China or Russia, so your article is nothing but smoke and mirrors and everyone can see right through your gibberish.
Anderson & Brown are the only 2 current decent candidates for the CPSD school board positions that they are running for 1: to provide that needed transparency and
2: parental inclusion for the education of their children!
I have no problem with teaching religion as a topic, to explore how illogical and destructive it is? We should be teaching critical thinking skills and science not indoctrination of someone’s god or personal belief system. Just look at the “holiest” place on earth; Israel. All killing each other, in the name of the same god? If Europe is the canary in the coal mine, then religion is thankfully on its way out.
I personally don’t care if you believe in pink unicorns. Or if the unicorns live in your shoes and you talk to you. However, the minute those unicorns tell you, to tell me anything, We’ll have a problem.
If you want your children to be indoctrinated, then send them to a parochial school, but don’t waste tax dollars on teaching foolish idolatry.
Ms Peterson,
I believe you are the reason I have to pay for my child’s education while I fund the public school system as well, to the tune of hundreds of thou$ands over many years.
By the way, the best “educators” I’ve ever met were not in the public school system.
History is X-rated and brutal everywhere since the beginning of time – get over it.
What matters is how we move forward with an economy and a supply chain, together, lest history repeat itself yet again.
That takes “educators” who can do the work, not purveyors of victimhood or those who claim association with select ghosts from the past.
Someone who can help kids become net-contributors to our complex systems – that’s who I want making decisions about their education.
I believe that to be entirely reasonable.
Ms Lyons fails to understand the very constructs of what “Christian” based ideals demands. They happen to be the very ideas she claims to defend- lack of propaganda and the freedom to pursue truth using reason, facts, and logic. You see, it is precisely Christian values that demands free-will and the rights of men to pursue truth. But to do so requires a western-based construct of learning that is historically, the very best for growing minds. The fact that this value system is not taught but instead rejected in public education, reveals itself in her attempt to accuse without any basis, a moral organization. The decline of learning can arguably be cited in proportion to the rejection of objective truth and the elevation of the subjective. I suggest Ms Lyons look up the two words and then ask herself in all honesty her own ideas about who is doing what when it comes to indoctrination and why. The simple truth is-and it IS very simple- where there is freedom to pursue truth, truth will out. But first, a child needs to be taught how to discover, examine, weigh and apply what he learns and this can only be done from a starting point with a moral compass. This is another simple truth that vain and arrogant subjectivity cannot reason through or accept.