Submitted by Greg Rediske.

The great Ernie Banks of the Chicago Cubs always knew how lucky he was to play the game of baseball for a living. And he’d express that with the enthusiastic shout of “Let’s play two!”, meaning playing a double header—the first one was so fun, let’s play again.
It occurs to me that we Dog Park people can issue a similar cry: “Let’s pick up two!!” When you’re out there with your dog or dogs and you do the responsible thing by picking up your dog’s poop, look around a little bit and pick up another one. If we all try and do this, we’ll keep the park free of those annoying leavings that end up on the bottom of the unsuspecting shoe.

Another option is to moan and groan about those pet owners who don’t make any effort to pick up. Which only punishes the unsuspecting shoe mentioned above. Sometimes, too, our dogs can get exuberantly ahead of us, and we lose track momentarily, when the deed may be done out of sight. Bottom line, we should all try to do better, and better yet, “Let’s pick up two!”.
Thanks to those people like my neighbor Barlow Buescher, who is probably approaching 100 lbs of poop scooping in the last couple of weeks. It’s the least we can do to join in and do our part.
Thanks, all!
Good article Greg. My Maisie and I are at the dog park at least five days a week weather permitting and I always carry extra bags in my pockets. If I see another dog in the act I always look around for the owner and shout,” Hi there do you need a bag because I have extras?” It’s amazing how many people will be in the middle of the dog park without a poop bag.
Hi Greg, nice job !
Your Ernie Banks was many times a “Thorn” in my Brooklyn Dodgers at Ebbets Field !
I am making progress on my Steilacoom Dance Company project which is keeping me busy while I can’t get out to the community cities.
Regards to Sharon !
Hi Greg! I too found your article “moving”. As a former Ft. Steilacoom Dog Park patron, I used to marvel that people put extra bags in the fence holes….to encourage dog owners to do the right thing. Really…..none of us minds picking up after our own dog. I am disgusted picking up after others! I don’t really know why, but it always makes my left eyebrow twitch. People should really PICK UP THEIR OWN! Now….if I see Maisey running amock….and leaving a treasure, I will tap you on the shoulder and point. I think we should all work to teach the owners a thing or two. While I do admire you and Barlow….I don’t personally want to win any awards for becoming a member of the 100# club. That said….I appreciate all you do for the park! You are a poop-star!