Fall does the same to me,
each and every year.
It makes me sing
and remember old poems.
It makes me dance with the leaves
Sailing on gusts of wind
And hold my face
Into refreshing drops of rain.
It makes me breathe in the fragrance
Of rotting apples and decaying gardens,
Of pumpkin soup,
And onion tart.
It makes me listen to the quiet of the fog,
To lonesome geese high in the sky.
It makes me yearn for times gone by
And those to come,
While looking at the riches of my harvest,
My life this year.
Fall does the same to me,
each and every year,
Just a bit more so
As time goes by.
I love your ability to share ideas, fun, and beauty with your readers in a variety of writing forms and styles.
I know your readers appreciate you and your efforts.
Joseph Boyle – Lakewood Resident – Emeritus
Thank you very much, Joe. For some reason, sometimes a different genre makes more sense for what I want to express … (Imagine this one had become the first paragraph of a novel, LOL.)