Submitted by Richard Mercier.
Thank you, voters, for propelling Whitney Holz through the primaries and on to the General election. There is never a wrong time to do the right thing and now is the time to do the right thing and elect Whitney Holz to the University Place School Board.
She believes, as I do, in providing each individual child with an education that challenges, inspires, and motivates them to be successful after school on whatever path they chose and eliminating anything that detracts and distracts from that goal.
Whitney is also the only candidate in the race who has children in this school district and understands the challenges facing parents in these difficult times. Use your vote to elect Whitney Holz as YOUR voice in November. She sure has mine.
Sorry, but she is not the right person for this very important position.
Whitney Holz being a parent who values students and their education first along with transparency to the other parents in this district rather than political indoctrination policy pushers is certainly very much more qualified over the incumbent that doesn’t care about students, their education or transparency, rather simply being a political power seeker.
So your short comment is moot as it holds no substance only a personal leaning toward a current board member who doesn’t have a child attending classes within the school district.
Whitney Holz is by far the best candidate for this position!
Thank you for your summation Kellie.
Unfortunately you provided nothing in the way of qualifications for a school board member in your response.
So far, if one were have a look at Whitney’s ideas, opinions or plans for her position that person would find themselves reading about her opposition to Referendum 90. This is her entire platform. She does include the ideal that her primary focus is parents rights and transparency with the education their children are receiving but she fails to describe the current situation and how these rights and transparencies are not being provided.
This leads to a couple of obvious questions:
1)What rights have parents lost or are in the process of losing in the University Place School District? I am a parent of 2 UP school children and I fail to see where they are being violated. It seems insincere to attest that you are fighting for parent’s rights when you fail to even describe the specifics of the issue. Almost as though a “problem” is being created out of thin air in order to give people a reason to be outraged.
2)Regarding transparency of what is being taught in classes, how is this not being promoted or exercised within our school district? If I want to know what my child stands to learn in a class I can either reference a syllabus or contact the instructor directly. I have never had an issue with an instructor providing as in depth of a review of class subjects at any level as I wanted to hear. Literally not a single instructor has been holding their topics of instruction from parents. This has the feel of yet another generated “issue” created out of thin air to rile people up.
My question to you or Whitney or anyone who supports her is then, what is it that she really stands for? If it is, as all of her talking points and positions seem to lead back to, the disrupting or policing of the legally voted for and approved mandate on sexual education then it would seem as though her general purpose here is not to uphold the curriculum approved by The People but, instead to apply her opinions and agenda to our school district and disrupt the democratic process because she doesn’t like what democracy has resulted in.
I actually have some other questions for you or Whitney. What is Whitney’s experience in analyzing, adjusting and providing school curriculum to a school district? What background does she have that shows she can competently provide this service as well as navigate the intricacies of the local city govt as described in the Board Policy Governance page?
Further, what experience does she have in general administration? Our children deserve to have someone who not only understands the job they are running for but also someone who’s agenda isn’t focused on just one topic. They deserve the candidate with the most diverse range of tools at their disposal for helping to manage our school district. Simply being the mother of a child in the district is not enough to fill those requirements in my opinion.