In less than 24 hours, 577 responses were registered when readers were asked, “Should Ft. Steilacoom Park be renamed to Dr. Claudia B. Thomas Park?”
If you are wondering where this idea came from, you can learn more here and here.
The poll is now closed.
so pleased with the no’s and not surprised.
I am pleased with the NO votes on changing the name of Fort Steilacoom Park!
I sincerely hope the Lakewood City Council takes heed.
I’m pleased to see the explanation of the process for reviewing the original proposal for honoring Dr Claudia B Thomas that was submitted by a member of the public and referenced the area now called Colonial Plaza. My name was given as endorsing THAT proposal and I agree with many of the comments opposed to redirecting the initial application to Ft Steilacoom Park.
It could have been helpful and avoided anger and misunderstanding had the process been fully explained earlier.
Andie Gernon