The City of Lakewood, on Sept. 16, 2021, received an amended application to rename Ft. Steilacoom Park to Dr. Claudia B. Thomas Park. The original announcement (click here to read) has garnered a number of comments.
Following is the results of an anonymous poll to learn how the community feels beyond those willing to comment.

Background: The current application (click here to read) is an amendment to a prior application to name a geographical site in recognition of Dr. Claudia B. Thomas.
David N. Boyd (not Dr. Thomas’s son-in-law according to the application) originally requested the City of Lakewood consider changing the name of the recently renovated Motor Ave (in front of the old Lakewood Theater) to Claudia B. Thomas Promenade.
City of Lakewood Resolution No. 2016-18, signed Oct. 3, 2016 by Mayor Don Anderson (click here to read) created a policy and procedure “for naming/renaming City parks and facilities.”
Public Testimony will be accepted by mail, email or by live virtual comment. Send comments by mail or email to Nikki York, Office Assistant 6000 Main Street SW Lakewood, WA 98499 or
If you would like to provide live testimony during the virtual meeting, you will need to join the Zoom meeting as an attendee by calling by telephone Dial +1(253) 215- 8782 and enter meeting ID: 920 3804 6123 Passcode: 077102 or visiting
For those participating, the Chair will call on you during the Public Hearings portions of the agenda. When you are unmuted please provide your name and city of residence. Each speaker will be allowed (3) three minutes to speak during the Public Hearing.
If you have further questions regarding this public hearing please contact Nikki York at 253-983-7835. To view the full Parks and Recreation Advisory Board meeting agenda of September 28, 2021 click here.
Fort Steilacoom Park doesn’t belong to the City of Lakewood, it belongs to the State of Washington and is a part of a National Monument. The City of Lakewood is simply the manager and overseer of the Park and does not have the authority to change the name.
You are so right it does not belong to Lakewood. It’s our state history and does not need to be erased.
Moreover, for what purpose or greater good would be served by renaming this historical site that has been a cherished part of so many lives in our community? Fort Steilacoom Park renders a sense of tradition. a sense of heritage. a sense of place.
Let’s not let the “Good Idea Fairy” cloud our responsibility to our children to understand that “change for change sake” without thoughtful purpose so often results in hasty desecration of a golden opportunity to know and appreciate the roots from which we have grown.
I would suggest that perhaps a more appropriate recognition for the life and service of Claudia Thomas might be the dedication of a civic building, community center or a public school.
Claudia Thomas Middle School just opened last year.
According to the City of Lakewood website, “Owned by the state of Washington but maintained by the City of Lakewood, in 2018 the State Legislature agreed to transfer ownership of the park to the City so that it could continue its longstanding tradition of maintaining and improving the beloved park.”
Hi all, just in the interest in contributing to the discussion of history, not the naming, I thought I might help clarify the reference to a national monument. I think what Gary might have been referring to is that portions of the park are part of the designation of the area on the National Register of Historic Places, a document submitted in 1975 by Cy Happy and Rita (Happy) Wheeler:
We’ve learned a bit more about the history since that was written, but that’s the national designation that at least I’m aware of as a member of the fort’s board. People can learn more about the fort – not the park, the fort – at We’re doing tours on a couple of Sundays this Fall:
And Gary, if that’s not what you meant, I very much apologize. I thought people might like to know about the National Register designation.
With all due respect to Claudia Thomas, if anyone deserves to have her name associated with the park it is Ruth Lorraine Wojahn, state senator, who led the effort to keep the park available to the public when it was nearly lost to private development.
It would be wonderful to honor Claudia in our city. I do not believe renaming the park is appropriate. This is a historic park and location named after a village of the Steilacoom Tribe. Let’s honor Claudia by attributing to her contributions to something new such as a building, plaza or a beautiful bronze statue. Let’s not take away from something with historic naming and context.
I would like to see other venues explored.
I totally agree with David Boyd’s idea of renaming Motor Ave after Dr. Claudia Thomas.. this renovated area will be the spot light of city celebrations for years to come and is such a fitting way to honor her. This is a example of city pride that reflects honoring our past and future.
Good on, David! I think you’ve got the right idea.
Please leave the Park’s name alone. It’s what we know and love. Since Claudia did so much for education, I suggest naming or renaming a school after her. Thank you.