Submitted by Richard Mercier.

It’s time to make a change to the University Place School Board. We need someone who is young, vibrant, and intelligent with her eyes on the future. We need a mom with a vested interest in our community and who can understand the unique concerns and challenges facing parents today.
Whitney Holz is that candidate. She respects the rights and responsibilities of the parents and guardians to raise their children with the morals and values established in their own homes and advocates for sticking to the fundamentals of education, reading, writing, arithmetic, and promoting academic excellence.
The school’s job is to educate our kids and prepare them for the future, it’s up to the parents to raise them. Whitney gets that and she gets my vote too.
I support Whitney 100% we have these people on the board for to long they already forgot who they are working for .
With 4 children in the school district I appreciate that Whitney will work to protect my right as a parent to teach morals and values. I agree that schools should stick to the fundamentals of education. Whitney has my vote!
Whitney is a fundamentalist Christian who, if elected, will attempt to turn the clock back 50 years on a real education for the students. I am 77 years old and all three of my adult children attended and graduated from the UP school system. We need progressive and trustworthy people on the UP school board. We do not need people like her who have vested interests.
Your remark is so ridiculous it almost isn’t worth a response. Who mentioned anything about Christianity? I am sure there are different faiths already on the school board. Are you not voting for them as well? Maybe your comments come from the fact that she has a cross on a chain around her neck. I guess I better not wear the Italian necklace my wife gave me that belonged to her father. I wouldn’t want anyone thinking that I’m Italian.
Whatever her faith is, is between her and her family. I support Whitney Holz because believes that education is one of the most important things that we can offer our children. Leave values, morals, and ideology up to the parents.
I was at the zoom meeting where all three candidates for this school board position were questioned by the League of Women Voters. It was quite obvious what her agenda is, what her beliefs are, and what her plans for the district are.
Do not vote for her if you want our school district to continue to be progressive and outstanding.
Do not listen to this man who keeps advertising for her. You are right, THEY have an agenda.
Agreed. I smell an agenda here.
Is this code for: don’t teach our kids critical race theory? Because they’re already teaching the fundamentals quite well, thank you. History should be inclusive of all perspectives.
What do you mean by code? There is no code here. The printed statement speaks for itself. Schools should teach the fundamentals of education by promoting academic excellence and nothing more. The rest is to the parents to teach. I promise we are not playing the record backward!
What fundamentals are they not teaching now? What EXACTLY does she not want them teaching our kids? Is it history? Because we’re either teaching all of history or we’re denying history.
In the time I have known her, Whitney Holz has proven herself to be an incredibly engaged, intelligent, and involved parent – with skin-in-the-game as she has two small children of her own in the district. I have personally observed that she has shown up consistently to board meetings, asked the hard questions, required the difficult answers and solutions, and will, no doubt, continue to work even harder as a school board member. Long gone are the days of the status quo. We need someone with a finger o the pulse of what is actually going on in schools. She advocates for parental involvement, transparency of school agenda and directives and fights to give parents a voice in the education of their own children. She is 100% An advocate for an education, not an agenda. I have spent much time speaking with her and she is kind, gracious, willing to dialogue, and sincerely wants to help the children have a wonderful experience in UP schools with their parents being an advocate for that education! Whitney would be a phenomenal choice for school board. Vote Whitney Holz!!
I just want some specifics, please. What does she think is NOT being teached well. What does she think should be taught. Because the “fundamentals” are all being taught quite well, as near as I can tell. It’s a good school district.
It’s amazing how no one answers your excellent questions, isn’t it? There is definitely an agenda here!
I have come to know Whitney as a person with a noble, kind, and truth seeking presence. She deeply cares for others and especially children. She will bring a strong warm presence to the UP schools, asking hard questions and bringing out true dialogue with the community and the School Board.