Submitted by Beth Elliott for DuPont City Council Position 3.

Last week the City of DuPont posted the Notice of Application for the Pioneer Aggregates South Parcel Project. This is what we refer to as the CalPortland mine in DuPont.
Bridget King and I met for coffee yesterday morning and we started talking about the South Parcel mine expansion, which is what the Notice of Application is for. We have both followed the mine for many years. What else do friends talk about on a Sunday morning? Lol.
As I’ve shared in a snippet of the application (screenshot below), we both remarked how refreshing it is to have a Community Development Director who invites people to make public comments!! What a change!! Thank you, Barb Kincaid!! Barb will let us know when to begin submitting public comments about the mine expansion.
As we were speaking, we thought it might be helpful to provide some talking points on how to make effective comments if you have not made any comments to the city before regarding a permit application. For those of you that would like to comment on the permit application for the Pioneer Aggregates South Parcel Mine expansion you might find this useful. It does take some time and study which is why I am posting this now so you can be prepared when the city announces the comment period.
- Review the project file and plans:
- Think about your interest in the project: You live in DuPont, you run or walk trails, you birdwatch, you enjoy spending time in nature, you love our wetlands, whatever you think is important, etc.
- Think about additional site or context information that you think is important: what will happen to our environment once the mine is completed, who will maintain our watershed, who will pay for the maintenance, etc.
- Think about your concerns for aspects of the proposal: i.e.., dewatering the aquifer, retention of trees, loss of vegetation, noise, loss of wetlands, air quality, etc.
To be effective it will be important to cite sections and statements in our CRITICAL AREAS in our Land Use Codes:… and Chapter 3- Land Use Goals and Policies, Chapter 5- Natural Environment of our Comprehensive Plan.
The City of DuPont will also provide citizens with what they think the concerns are with the application as the city has determined that the proposal may have probable significant environmental impacts. The public will have various opportunities to comment.
I will keep continue to keep you updated as the City of DuPont provides further information on the application and comment dates.
I encourage those who don’t live in DuPont but come to walk/run our beautiful trails and streets to submit comments in the multiple public hearings to come. I thank Beth for her many years of dedication to working for DuPont’s quality of life!
Thank you. I didn’t even know there was a mine in DuPont!
Thanks for the “heads up”!
This is not for our city! WE DON’T WANT THIS IN OUR COMMUNITY! We agree with all the negative aspects affecting the land usage for nothing other than big business. This conjures-up another business who destroyed many acres and habitat of once pristine land…..The Dupont Powder company!