After 3,001 homes doorbelled, 44 days to do it, a lot of wonderful people met, and 7,301 votes cast in the race for Clover Park School Board District 4, I am trailing the incumbent by only 345 votes!
Thank you, Lakewood voters!
We’re on our way to the General Election November 2!
Should our team be able to raise the necessary funds, we may have a possibly-never-before-done-locally October surprise! If you’d like to help financially, there’s a means to do that on my website.
If you’d like a sign for your yard – like 68 currently out there and another 48 on the waiting list – you can indicate that in the comments here or via the comment form on the website.
And, of course, if the 2,190 who voted for me each recruited five friends to do the same, how awesome would that be?!
If you believe, as I do, that a school board director is not elected to preside over the institution of education but rather to pursue outstanding excellence in education for our children;
If you believe, as I do, that your voice, not just your vote, is to be sought so as to be heard before, during and after the election;
If you believe, as I do, that preparing each individual student to meet the challenges of life after high school is an economic and moral imperative for our country and for this city;
Then I humbly ask you to take any of the steps above that will allow me to serve you on the Clover Park School Board.
Let’s do this.
Thank you.
Thank you David for dedicating your time and resources to serve our students and community on the school board! You will provide passion and leadership in the places we have needed you!!
Congratulations, David.
I support your stated concept and goals including, and I quote,
“If you believe, as I do, that preparing each individual student to meet the challenges of life after high school is an economic and moral imperative for our country and for this city;”
346 votes to go!
Joseph Boyle – Former Lakewood Resident – 51 Years
David, thanks for your service to our community and your desire and I am sure of your ability to significantly improve the academic excellence of each student in our school district. You are one of a kind and greatly appreciated!
David, I am well acquainted with your energy and commitment to improving opportunities for the success of students in the Clover Park School District. Your track record of commitment to the youth in the Tillicum neighborhood over many years is proof that you are not merely a fly-by-night candidate for the school board. The research you have conducted, as well as the articles you have written, on local and national school issues is another indication of your efforts to create awareness and to provide opportunities for public discussion. Your website provides valuable insight into your efforts. My wife and I have contributed to your campaign fund, have made at least five voters aware of your qualifications, and have found a home for your sign in a yard on a street with a high degree of traffic. Thank you for your willingness to serve as a Clover Park School District Board Director.
Thank you for stepping up and being the change OUR KIDS need! I appreciate that you are doorbelling now, and once elected, willing to hold open forums for parents to come and ask questions. We have lacked transparency for so long in this district, and your ideas are a breath of fresh air. You definitely walk the talk.
“Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration,” said Thomas Edison. If that is the measure of success then David Anderson must be a genius as well as incredibly persistent! Tramping door to door in the midst of summer heat to inform voters all over the city of the critical issues faced by CPSD, parents and their children and what he intends to do about it. Who else has shown this level of dedication? Where are the incumbents Schafer and Pearson when it comes to perspiration? Nowhere to be found! I guess that says something about their “genius”! Perhaps they couldn’t take the heat and decided to stay out of the kitchen, to paraphrase President Harry Truman. Perhaps sweating to retain their seats on the CPSD Board just isn’t worth the effort. Ditto as it also seems to have been the case with their performance on the Board to date. The willingness to tirelessly campaign is a good indication of the dedication that David will bring to the Board which is sorely needed. You gotta want it to win it and David is the person who will win it through 1% genius and 99% perspiration!