Submitted by Jason Whalen.
I am running for reelection to the Lakewood City Council to continue making a positive difference in the lives of our residents.
While our community has many challenges, your Council continues to focus on solutions.
During this campaign, I have often heard that housing affordability and public safety remain top issues of concern. I am pleased to share that Lakewood is again taking a leadership role in addressing both.
Notable “firsts” this week include Lakewood’s full funding of body cameras for our police officers—making Lakewood the first Pierce County Community to outfit all officers with vehicle and body cameras. Lakewood Police Department to Deploy Body Cameras
I am also proud to announce Lakewood’s participation in the South Sound Housing Affordability Partners—the first municipality to join this intergovernmental initiative to work on regional solutions to address housing affordability. City of Lakewood First to Join Intergovernmental Affordable Housing Initiative
I am running for reelection because I enjoy working with dedicated council members, skilled city management and staff, and our many community partners that all work collaboratively to craft solutions rather than just “talk” about problems. When it comes to effective problem solving, experienced leadership makes the difference.
While we have much work to do to take Lakewood to its next 25-year anniversary, I am proud of the progress we continue to make together. I hope to see you at the next concert in our series, or at Lakewood’s fantastic farmer’s market! Lakewood Summer Events in Full Swing
Enjoy the summer, but please remember to vote in the primary this August 3! I would appreciate your continuing support.
The views expressed in this article are the writer’s own.
Housing or Truck Depots. Where is the concentration for Lakewood? Will Lakewood Continue to Permit destruction of our precious Garry Oaks?
Jason Whalen,
You have always been an asset to The Lakewood City Council and the Lakewood community and easy to communicate with.
I wish you success in the forthcoming election.
Joseph Boyle – Former Lakewood Resident – 51 years.
Your continued tenure on the Lakewood City Council is a boon for residents and businesses owners alike. Additionally, you have been a dedicated partner on the Pierce County Regional Council, providing a needed voice shaping how our region transforms into Vision 2050. News you are running to maintain your seat is welcomed for this DuPont Councilmember.
All the best!
Continue fighting for “our values”? That’s what your ad on Subtimes says.
Not my values, nor those of my family and friends! Speak for yourself! Tell the truth! It’s really fighting for YOUR OWN values.
Destroying nature and beloved trees of all kinds for horrifying warehouses? A city of warehouses? Warehouses on 100th, on 84th, on 123rd, in Woodbrook — a neighborhood totally trashed by “your values”.
I want no part of it. Stop destroying Lakewood in the name of quick money for so-called “investors” and whomever their enablers are in Lakewood.
We want our Lakewood back. Have a spine. Lakewood deserves better. You’ve destroyed too much already.
If outsiders don’t like the trees, they can go elsewhere. We don’t have to sell out to some speculative warehouse developers.
Even your supposedly favorite “prized” “beautifcation” project is stupid.
How can you be proud of such a thing? Was it $2.2 MILLION for the glorified parking lot at Colonial Center? With boarded up beloved bagel shop and empty store fronts? Most empty for a decade or more now?
Criminal types even made donuts on your beautiful brick elevated paving to show you their opinion of it.
Why spend all this money on a parking lot that should actually be a main street?
Why did you not exert your power as a city council member to call the absentee landlord of that complex to task for allowing the property to deteriorate, attract squatters and stand vacant for years on end? It is private, but surely the city does not have to allow such a festering abcess in what was formerly a nice town?
And $150,000 for a butt-ugly piece of public art at the start of it? Come on! Can’t we find better ways of spending money? You could do a lot with $150,000!
But please don’t build two more “welcome to Lakewood” signs for $75,000 each, as you’ve been doing! (!!!) Come on! Can that even be true?
The more one finds out, the more shocking it becomes.
Your time is up, Mr. Whalen! Please step aside before you get a chance to perpetrate any more horrors on the poor city of Lakewood and its unwitting tax-paying residents.
Lakewood could be such a nice place to live, if you’d just get your hands off of it.
I am completely disgusted by the way Lakewood is being run, and by your so-called “values”.
Your “values” make decent people want to cry.
Please go away.