Submitted by John Simpson.
David Anderson is all about children’s academic achievement.
A candidate for the Clover Park School District Board, he is alarmed at the political activism and virtue signaling which characterizes much of what some school board members seem to espouse.
“School district political activism has no place in our schools,” his candidate statement reads, “but rather detracts from academic excellence.”
In order to achieve this excellence – as opposed to political indoctrination – Anderson has asked hard questions of some of the current board’s members in numerous articles printed in this forum.
“Parents want their children to realize their potential,” he continues, “and as your school board representative I will ensure that best practices for education are researched, recommended and regularly reviewed for effectiveness.”
But then he goes farther. As your school board representative, he will listen to what you the parents have to say about their children’s education.
“I will advocate for listening sessions to be held with citizens of my district,” he asserts.
Along with asking good questions about the political direction some school board members want for the district; along with listening to the parents of children and to the taxpayers who fund the school district; he will also not hide information from the public.
“I will err on the side of transparency. I will insist that board meetings be characterized by open, forthright and informed debate.”
Anderson is pushing for the best interests of all children in the Clover Park School District in order for them to receive the education needed in the 21st century.
Please consider casting your vote for David Anderson on August 3rd.
The views expressed in this article are the writer’s own.
David Anderson is ThE choice for clover Park School Board! Your vote will help to insure his success!
John Simpson, you are so correct in your appraisal of David Anderson. One only needs to look at David Anderson’s decades of devotiion to Tillicum kids baseball to know David is all about supporting kids anyway he can.
I support David’s effort to join the Clover Park School District Board, In fact, if David can use some help with his campaign expenses, I think I will send him a check.
Joseph Boyle – Former Lakewood resident 51 years.
I agree with Mr. Simpson’s assessment of David Anderson’s qualifications for a Clover Park School District (CPSD) Board of Directors position. David’s promise, “I will err on the side of transparency. I will insist that the board meetings be characterized by open, forthright and informed debate.” has been demonstrated by his letters published in this forum regarding concerns about the district and Board of Directors. Since last December he has published these letters, written after recording Board of Directors’ meetings and listening to the concerns of parents and community members. He has asked informed, hard questions; and they are a rare source of candid information for the community. These insightful commentaries are available on his website:
David will be a great Board member; great for the District; and great for its students and parents. He understands the values, principles and strategic direction Clover Park School District must embrace: providing an academically challenging educational experience for all students individually which prepares them for adult life regardless of their race or ethnicity!
The District has to be more than just a “diploma mill” or a social engineering experiment. It has to rise from the bottom 1/3rd of Washington’s school districts to the top! It has been done elsewhere and it can be done here. It has to involve the parents of this community through listening to them, putting their priorities into Board policy and then demanding accountability for accomplishment from the Superintendent and staff on down. This emphasis has been missing for years during the incumbents’ tenure as Board members and the District’s academic performance shows it.
Want change in the District’s academic performance? Then vote for David Anderson on 3 August 2021.
As we speak the district is hiring another diversity activist and moving up the current person to a director position. How does the district have money for that? You can see where their priorities are and it doesn’t seem to be education.
We need change on the board. We need people who will also hold the superintendent accountable and care about the budget. David Anderson would be a welcome change.
Have to wonder how many more student counselors could have been hired to actually help guide students through their educational careers. As of yet, neither the incumbent Board members nor Superintendent nor “Critical Race Theory” (CRT) Director Twyman (let’s call his position what it really is) have made any linkage between the District’s terrible academic performance and the need to implement CRT as the solution. Indeed it is a solution looking for a problem while the real problem goes unaddressed. Time for a change.
It is obvious that educational priorities, parental/community input, and current school trend modification will NOT occur without making school board member changes NOW.
In fact, other more radical actions are going to be necessary to provide our children with the education we owe them and to prevent actual dangers now facing our children if they go back to their current schools in a few weeks.
We now have a system which we pay for with our taxes but have NO input or even knowledge about crucial school policies for this fall.
Will schools require all children to wear masks, be divided into vaccinated/non-vaccinated groups, learn racism via CRT, learn masturbation in sex training, be counseled relative to gender,be referred to doctors without parental knowledge and approval and be educated with non-evaluated radical curriculum developed by union members whose salaries we pay. I could go on and on but answers and decisions and discussions have not been communicated by current school board members.
Let’s wake up NOW. Demand answers NOW.
Our children deserve to be safe in schools, to receive an education that we all can agree on.
VOTE NOW and vote for change in leadership in our schools.
Dr. C.A. Carey,
Thank you for confirming that David Anderson and Jeff Brown are directly connected to the radical far right political agenda. You seem to be on the same page as other supporters who have expressed similar disturbing views…one who even inferred our current president belongs to a “cabal” of democratic pedophiles who eat children and then that supporter denied he knew of QAnon. However, no one has stated the views of these candidates so clearly as you. You must be quite confident that they are concerned with all the same things you state and that they will take immediate action if elected. I assume you have discussed these issues with current school board members as well as with the candidates.
I commend you on your effective use of fear tactics to scare voters by saying our children face “actual dangers” if new school board members aren’t elected. Your list of ” actual dangers” is almost a carbon copy of QAnon’s latest conspiracies about public education. I encourage readers to look it up. The connection between far right extremists and “far out” and dangerous conspiracy theories has been witnessed and documented across this country. It’s the dumbing down of critical thinking. They intentionally made CRT into a huge cultural war to draw in followers. A unified effort to take control of school boards across the country is the goal of those invested in these extremist groups or ideologies; sadly, a once respected political party is now strongly associated with this cult. The only thing these followers know is to try and turn back the clock to when they could totally dictate the rules, conditions and curriculum. These people are terrified our children are being “indoctrinated” with ideas about race and are willing to spread disinformation to reach their goal.
Anyone who claims that Marty Shafer, a well respected Baptist minister who currently serves on our school board, is unfit to serve another term must have a serious dislike of ethical and responsible governance. What a shame that the ugly politics of the far right have turned our school board election into a laundry list of unfair accusations and fear-mongering. You really helped clear the fog on what is at stake with this election. I really don’t want the schools I support with my tax dollars being controlled by those who take their marching orders from far right extremists/cults. Almost every letter in support of your candidates say the very same things only in different ways. Most spread the same fear.
I judge candidates by their integrity, words, ideas, donors and supporters. You really helped me know candidates Anderson and Brown and who would be their ear whisperers.Thank you for the warning.
Amen, Cheri!! Thank you