Do you read your voter’s guide? I do, and in the past I have presented my reasons for endorsing certain candidates. This primary season I want to express only one perspective. Let me start by pointing out that some candidates shared they had never held elected office before and yet chose to leave their education and career info blank. If a candidate has not completely filled out their profile, as to why we should vote for them, then what does that say about the job they would do for our community? Of all politics none is more important than local politics. The policies enacted by local politicians will, most likely, have the biggest impact in your daily life. Please, read your voters guide and don’t vote blindly off name recognition.
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Well stated. The voter’s pamphlet is where a candidate sells what they have to offer. I also always look first for “following the directions.”
In DuPont two of the candidates for a primary position immediately started talking about their military experience on the elected position section. Besides wrongly assuming having military experience is the best qualification, it is not an elected position. Hard pass especially when both candidates showed extremely poor writing skills.
Couldn’t agree more KM. If you’re asking for my vote but don’t want to tell me anything about yourself and your background how am I supposed to make an educated decision about you. Without specific experience working in a setting where compromise and team discussion were part of your experience, why would I think you could manage a public policy setting where there is generally so much disagreement and opinion. You know the expression we all have our opinions they are like … But that doesn’t mean my opinion is the correct opinion unless I am willing to listen to all sides and be educated. I wouldn’t hire someone at my work that I didn’t know enough information about so why would I hire a candidate for a political office that wasn’t willing to share that information.
Well said!
I look at their Community Service background, for any local office is really a paid community service position. Dealing with the community and volunteers a very important skill in local leadership.
I know. I know. People will criticize me for being judgmental, but I say maybe, just maybe in reality it is just a mater of the truth hurts. Citizens who vote based on name recogntion are certified by Joe Boyle to be Voter Idiots.
Just look at what happened in our last election. Need I say more?
I too read the Voter’s Pamphlet very carefully and I pay attention to many of the issues that have been pointed out in this column.
Thanks for speaking out.
Oh, and if you are a certified idiot, it is not too late for you to manage your voting in an intelligent fashion.
If you do, Joe Boyle is willing to certify you as a genius as I call them as I see them. Anyone can change for the better.
Joseph Boyle
When will our voters pamphlet be arriving?
It would be very difficult to mark my Ballot without it – who are all these people?
Mine came last week. Hope U get yours soon.