TACOMA, Wash. – Bates Technical College President Lin Zhou will have an opportunity to shape institutional culture and hiring practices in community and technical colleges nationwide. Recently appointed to the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) Commission on Diversity, Inclusion and Equity, Dr. Zhou and other commission members are tasked with implementing a joint diversity, equity and inclusion statement from the AACC and the Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT).
Said Dr. Zhou, “I am extremely humbled and honored that the Board of Directors of American Association of Community Colleges has appointed me to the Commission on Diversity, Inclusion and Equity. This opportunity will help me continue the important work of ensuring equitable, diverse, and inclusive educational opportunities for all students.”

According to the statement, community and technical colleges are the most diverse and inclusive segment of higher education nationwide. The statement, in part, reaffirms a commitment to promote and support programs and initiatives that develop diverse leaders at the Board and CEO levels and in the administrative and faculty ranks.
The AACC is the primary advocacy organization for the nation’s community colleges. The association represents nearly 1,200 two-year, associate degree-granting institutions and more than 12 million students. The ACCT is a non-profit educational organization of governing boards that represent more than 6,500 elected and appointed trustees who govern over 1,200 community, technical, and junior colleges in the United States and beyond.
For more information about AACC, visit https://www.aacc.nche.edu/. For more information about ACCT, visit https://www.acct.org/. To learn more about Bates Technical College, go to BatesTech.edu.
Bates College DIE manager: Too bad that Asians are the “inconvenient minority” when it comes to the racism that is Critical Race Theory euphemistically re-packaged as “Diversity, Inclusion and Equity” or ironically the acronym DIE! Yes this neo-racism means the death of individualism and further emergence of identity politics based upon skin color and/or ethnicity. Why are Asians so successful? Why are other “people of color” not so successful (although there are too many to disprove this generalization)? It has nothing to do with their skin color. Rather it has to do with the successful individual emphasis (or lack thereof) on family, duty, law abiding, self sufficiency, value of education and hard work. These are the CHARACTER traits that engender success and are repeatable by any SKIN COLOR. No one has to do it for them; they do it for themselves.
CRT does none of this for any SKIN COLOR or ethnic group. Rather it creates a class of “marginalized victims” who haven’t succeeded and a class of “marginalizing victimizers” who have and should somehow feel guilty about it. This is not healthy for the country or any of the individuals caught up in this fraud. What makes an Asian Ph.D woman think that she can make any change at all in the Black communities? According to CRT she can’t since she’s the “wrong color”! She can’t even though she might be called an “intellectual elite” as per W.E.B. DuBois leading the poor unenlightened masses to the Promised Land. It’s an approach that did not improve the plight of minorities but did empower the race hustlers for the last 100 years. Racism as a career option. https://thesubtimes.com/2021/07/12/letter-racism-as-a-career-option/?utm_source=The+Suburban+Times+email+edition&utm_campaign=7a22fd7393-TST-EE&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_4a8f53e3e2-7a22fd7393-6277
When are you going to stop with the racist BS? CRT is taught at the college level to mostly those going to law school. It is not taught to grade school kids. There is only one race, that I am aware of, that has endured hundreds of years of slavery and you don’t want to acknowledge that. They, along with other minorities, have built much of what is america for little to no money and certainly no gratitude. They have also been subjected to redlining, poor schools, and lower paying jobs. Even today they do not have the same opportunities that I do. You apparently listen to the right wing nut job television or radio shows to get your opinions. I listen to them on occasion but can’t stand it as most of what they have to say are provable lies. What don’t you try thinking for yourself? CRT is being used by the right to deflect the conversation away from the lies of the former guy in the white house and the complicity of the republicon party in the insurrection that happened on January 6, 2021. The republicon party is filled with those who lie to the people of this country. We will all be better off when they are voted out of their positions. We will also be better off when they are in jail or prison.
Not “taught”? Perhaps not as curriculum but how about implemented and thus “taught” through students’ personal experience labeled as “oppressed” or “oppressor” as expressed by teachers and administrators? Kids learn a lot more in school than what’s in the curriculum. As teachers treat them they learn who they are. That’s more powerful than anything that might between the covers of a text book.