Submitted by Paul Nimmo.
As reported in The Suburban times, candidate filing week is open from May 17 through 4:30 p.m. on Friday May 21. Four council positions are up for election/re-election.
- Position 1 Mary Moss
- Position 2 Mike Brandstetter
- Position 3 Jason Whalen
- Position 5 Patti Belle
I personally do not have any real issues with the actual persons currently holding office. What I do have an issue with is the formation and representation of the Council.
I was not a proponent of Cityhood. But a City it did become. I have called Lakewood home all my childhood and most of my adult life. I truly believe it is a wonderful place to live.
But the current City Council does not represent Lakewood. To do so, the City must accept that the Council positions should be districted, allowing true representation of all of Lakewood. I felt this way 25 years ago. 20 years ago, I mentioned to City Council members that the positions should be districted. I was told that the City was young, and this could come later. That time is now!
Perhaps, we can understand why some decisions are being made for “Lakewood as a whole” while most City Council members live in 98498.
I also noted that in an era where there is concern about professional long-term politicians, several of our City Council members work for government agencies, 2 for Pierce County (Executive Office & Council), one for State government and one for another City’s Government. The two attorneys had worked for the same Law firm at one point in time. Somewhere, I am sure someone could see some conflict of interest. Oh, and wouldn’t it be nice if our Council members at least live in Lakewood for 5 or more years?
So, ask yourself, when was the last time you saw a council member come from Lakeview, Tillicum or Springbrook? Let’s support true representation.
The views expressed in this article are the writer’s own.
Dani says
Well written, thoughtful letter.
Unfortunately, Lakewood left the actual long time residents of this area behind and appears to be awkwardly attempting to gentrify selectively.
The rest of Lakewood is one long term planning map away from becoming a warehouse, high density housing complex or transit station zone.
SM says
The current City Council is run by Trump Republicans who are only concerned with using the city and tax payer money to benefit themselves. They use no minority contractors, only their friends and family. Don Anderson has his family members on boards and commissions all throughout city business. The poor and people of color have no real representation and when they try to get some the racists and bigots come out in full force. When will the City of Lakewood residents get tired of people who work against the needs and wants of the city. The school district is the same way. Some of the people there have been on the board for over 20 years. The City and the district made a commitment to equity and that would provide an opportunity to meet the needs of the poor and anyone who needs help and services and the white supremacist who have been bullies in this city for a long time, think equity means giving something to black people and because they are ignorant to what equity really is, they are convincing people to push against a policy they could benefit from.
Scott Anderson says
What? They only use contractors who are their friends and family? Seriously, before spouting off things that make no sense, learn about the public bidding process. It’s low bid. Additionally, it’s chalked full of social programs for minority contractors. On federal projects, it ranges from 21%-25% in the puget sound region.
Concerned Lakewood Citizen says
Dani, I wholeheartedly agree. What about the sidewalks along the heavily trafficked Hipkins Rd. where many pedestrians are seen to precariously navigate intermittent dirt and gravel pathways for the past 20 years versus the rarely used extra wide sidewalks along Gravelly Lake Drive. Ask yourselves who represents the residents along Gravelly Lake Drive where there was no foresight to have bicycle lanes. The mantra is always: “there is no money.” We can see the concrete structures “gracing” DuPont. Is that what we want for Lakewood, to become one big fulfillment center?
Dani says
Let’s add the ridiculous sidewalk project put in for the Oakbrook neighborhood! And the intermittent sidewalks and bike lanes scattered about Steilacoom Blvd and Lakewood Dr. – clearly no bike commuter was involved in those projects.
If Lakewood had more interest in negotiating better public bus services into a large area like Oakbrook, that would have helped hundreds of not thousands of people get to better opportunities years ago.
As for all the warehouses over affordable townhome communities decisions being made by the city planners- residents need safe and affordable housing now, not warehouse jobs that won’t even pay a wage enough to afford Lakewood!
How many in city government have ties to real estate ventures I wonder?
Scott Anderson says
While I agree Oakbrook was a complete waste of money, the sidewalks along Lakewood Drive north of Steilacoom area for bikes and make sense. They are also working on sidewalks and bike lanes on Steilacoom.
Great point on Oakbrook though. That was a total waste.