The coolers and signage are gone from Lakewood’s Baskin-Robbins. The store, on 100th near Gravelly Lake Dr, was in that location for decades.

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The coolers and signage are gone from Lakewood’s Baskin-Robbins. The store, on 100th near Gravelly Lake Dr, was in that location for decades.
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Very, sad many good times there
Umm, isn’t a news story supposed to have some relevant information besides a headline?
Since 2005 The Suburban Times has served as a digital community bulletin board. Very little, if any, content is produced by me (Ben Sclair, founder). I focus on sharing the news, information and stories of others. I happened to be at a nearby business and saw Baskin-Robbins had closed (I had bought an ice cream for my Mom and I there just a few weeks ago) and thought readers who don’t get by that location often would appreciate knowing.
Well said! Thanks.
Oh no…….
Anyone know what caused them to close down? I know they cleaned up their act. For awhile they wouldn’t hire male workers because they didn’t want co-workers dating. My family and I have gotten ice cream from there before, sad to see them go.
They decided to retire.
I’ll miss going there with my grandkids! Sorry to see it close.
Another Covid casualty. Really sad to see them close. The Mexican restaurant across from McDonalds closed too. I wonder how many of these places will reopen or house new businesses. What hardships for the employees and the owners.
The restaurant across from McDonalds closed after a bad Health Dept inspection I believe.
It closed after a fire in the kitchen and they decided to not rebuild
I send corrected, Thanks!
The restaurant across from McDonald’s has been closed for many years now. Nothing to do with Covid-19.
They’re referring to Tijuana Taco, not the old Denny’s.
Yeah. I know. The one next to the laundromat. It’s been closed for at least a couple of years now. March 2019, after 50 years. Food truck is still in operation, but not the restaurant.
We have been going there since the 70’s…absolutely sad to see it go!
My grandma used to take me here all the time going up it’s one of the fondest memories I have of her since she’s passed away I’m so sad to see it go
Glad, why? food was all ways under cooked and employees were not sanitary!
I disagree. We had been going there since the original owners started it and worked there for years and years before retiring it and turning it over to their daughter and son-in-law.
Never once had an under cooked meal in the hundreds of lunches and dinners we purchased there – ever. It is hamburger or chicken they start cooking early am before the place would open and keep in steamers.
All you would have to have done was tell them and they would have graciously given you a new meal if what you say is true. Never once heard any person complain and we have been working for 40 years near the restaurant. It looks like they are working on the place and it might open again. Customers have been begging them to re-open.
Never been there. Grew next to one off 72nd & portland. But is this because alot are closing down or just this one?
They were on wrong side of town. On another note. Why the heck are they putting in a Subway in Lakewood. Oh. 7-11 closed as well. Turning it into Subway. Whyyyyyyyy
You know there’s a Subway in the Town Center too, right? And over by Mazatlan by 512, and on Pacific Hwy SW just past Bridgeport. I’m bummed that that particular 7-eleven closed bc some of the employees were super nice but there’s 3 more within a mile or 2 of that location.
it makes me sad. A man who worked for my father bought the franchise and started it many many years ago. The latest couple who have owned it have worked hard long hours, kept it spotless, and worked hard. I am glad to see this story. I told my husband, here goes another business closing and there will not be any written notice. Just gone as if it did not exist. I am so sad. We started taking our young girls in there when they were very young and we had to pick them up to see the ice cream. Then our five grandchildren were given the same “trip” up on Grandpa’s shoulders to see the ice cream. Now they are adults and almost adults. I miss it every time we drive by it. My husband and I stopped in all through the year. I wish I could have said goodbye to the owners. One day it was there and then all of a sudden gone – but not forgotten. Sweet memories.
Thank you for sharing, not everyone is a hater… dont stop cause of a few rude peeps!
They were way to expensive and outdated should have closed along time ago
I believe the reason that Baskin Robbins has closed is because the building owner raised the rent and the people who had the franchise could no longer afford to stay. They were heartbroken to have to leave but could no longer make a living at that location. They were wonderful people and we are really sad to see them forced to leave a business they loved.
Please don’t make up that type of rumor. The franchise Baskin Robbins demanded they upgrade the building inside to their new design which would cost them too much to survive in Lakewood. The Baskin Robbins in Tumwater WA had the same old design and also decided it was not worth the upgrades as well .
They’ve been closed for a long while. Some updated news, some new townhouses are being built on Morrison road. More traffic for everyone. Also the Pine cone Cafe closed a couple months back. And the senior graduation car parade will be June 12 from the high school to the town center.
Oh my. ? Chocolate Mouse Royale!! I believe the only in the area now is the one on 6th Ave in Tacoma.
There is one on 72nd in the old Kmart parking lot entrance still too?
I was hoping it was just temporarily closed…but it looks like it’s permanent. I always used to go here, it seems many others have had memories of this place through the decades. Was there no way the owners could’ve just passed it on to someone else? I’m really genuinely sad to see this business go 🙁