Submitted by Thomas Strome.
When the author moved to Washington almost twenty eight years ago, two things were near heart stopping in their financial impact:
- Real Estate, and
- Car Tabs.
Conversely, a move to Florida for Washingtonians can be downright cheap. You have a lot of choices which can be daunting but the Internet can ease that burden considerably.
We all know (or should) that the unlimited printing of money can not go on indefinitely. Last year: up to 22% erosion in the dollar. Time to “bail” to
a more advantageous economy if you can. Buy a cheaper house and pay it off so you are not dependent on your Uncle Sam for payments for your new home. If at some point Sam is unable to deliver on Social Security and/or pension benefits, you’ll be in a better position than most.
I’m looking for interest in “Florida Retirement Scout”, a free newsletter to launch in Summer of 2021 which investigates the best areas and takes into account things like crime, cost of living, attractions and conveys the local flavor of this incredibly diverse and affordable state of Florida.
About those Washington $30 tabs. The state appears to not abide by election results. That sets a precedent for future behavior. Florida is much cheaper in that regard as well.
Florida has:
- Responsive government. No ignoring car tab vote
- Lower housing costs
- More consistent daylight hours
- More activities.
- Lower sales taxes.
- etc., etc.
If you would like the free email newsletter, send an email to: and indicate “FRS” in the subject line.
The views expressed in this article are the writer’s own.
Washington State is not alone in countering the “will of the people”. Several other states do the same when it serves them best, and examples can be found on the web.
Regarding Florida, why would anyone deliberately choose to live in the path of hurricanes? Like camping on railroad tracks, sooner or later a train will come and ruin your day.
Just think what the poor suckers are going through now when they move here. Of course, the Californians probably think this is nirvana.
Florida: hot, humid, bugs, flat, hurricanes, etc., etc. No thanks, I’ll take the beautiful PNW any day!
Not in any way would I consider Florida even to vacation. I agree our taxes are upside down, but I will take our quality of life to their heat, humidity, bugs, creatures, Gov., and politics any day. By the way, if it’s such a great state, why aren’t you there?
Hey Thomas, I knew you would get the progressive liberal Democrats to ridicule your letter. They all can have this “Chop Zone” of a state. They are use to turning a blind eye when their government acts stupid.
Dee is correct to a point about the heat and hurricanes but wait until the BIG Earthquake hits this state as all “scientists” are saying.
I’ve vacationed in Florida and it was beautiful. I’ve lived in the PNW all my life and have seen the changes to the worse, not better, I’m sorry to say.