Submitted by Marjory Swalley, Lakewood Republican Women.
Starting in 2020, the Police Departments in America have been subjected to criticism, disrespect, and bodily harm. To show our appreciation and support of all the police do for our communities, the Lakewood Republican Women have started the Back the Blue Project.
Since June 2020, Lakewood Republican Women members have been providing a variety of treats once a month to the Lakewood and Steilacoom Police Departments.
If any community members would like to participate, contact Sally Taylor at or call her at 253-984-7572.
The views expressed in this article are the writer’s own.
I’m gonna guess that your unarmed children are not getting killed at the rate of a thousand every year nationwide.
“Starting in 2020…”?
The police need to earn our respect, we don’t owe it to them.
In the last year, they have proven that they still have a long way to come.
You’re the reason why our country is the way it is right now…. bird brain!
Thank you, Sally. I’m glad there are still some folks out there who value community and the role of the police.
Police provide a necessary service and deserve respect and some latitude, and I’m sure good cops greatly outnumber the bad. But the good cops need to police their own. Please provide that message with the treats? Tough love in their profession is needed in the worst way now more than ever.
Where are all the good apples we keep hearing about in the police force? The police, like every other profession, need to earn respect. They supposedly serve the community but we see them killing our family members all over the country. This didn’t start in 2020 but clearly the Republican women of Lakewood have kept their heads in the sand and don’t have any family or friends who are Black. No surprise there, just shame.
Thank you for this act of kindness. I am certain that it is appreciated. It surely sheds some light into their lives.
I may have a disagreement with Marjory, but trolling is juvenile.
Perfectly Stated Chas. Ames!!
I can’t believe the vitriol expressed in some of these comments. Clearly many people are believing the biased stories the media peddle. “unarmed children are getting killed at the rate of a thousand every year…” Really? If you mean by the police, that is a ridiculous assertion. In 2021 there were a TOTAL of 1021 fatal police shootings. Here are the facts:
“Researchers at the Children’s National Hospital in Washington, DC, analyzed national data from death certificates compiled by the National Center for Health Statistics, including cause of death and race and ethnicity.
They identified all adolescents between age 12 and 17 who died from firearm injuries due to police intervention between 2003 and 2018 and compared rates of these deaths across racial and ethnic groups based on U.S. Census Bureau data.
During the 16-year study period, 140 children died from police intervention, and of those, 113 involved firearms. About 93% of the children killed were boys, with an average age of 16.”
140 youth deaths over a 16-year period is tragic, but it’s not “thousands.”
If you mean a thousand youth die from gunshots every year (from gang violence, etc.), that may be true, but all it proves is the need for more law enforcement, not less.
I’m glad someone is showing kindness to the police. A little more kindness all around would be nice…
Chris, facts and statistics are always appreciated so thank-you for providing them. I think the last sentence to your comment sums up best what this nation/world needs. It reminds me of the statement that Charles Barkley recently made during the NCAA Championship. “I think most white people and Black people are great people. I really believe that in my heart,”
What If we viewed each other this way more often or all the time?
Or, as Rodney King questioned years ago “Can we all get along?”
I know my life experiences are only my own, but I often question the true level of racism in 2021. My perception, I have been told, is tainted by my ancestry and someone suggested I read the book “White Fragility.” As I researched the book online, I learned the author was the center of attention in the Coke-a-Cola training about “How to be less white.” I have chosen to skip the read because I don’t see that it is wrong to have any particular skin color. What if we all used our talents to make our community the best it can be and what if we were all proud of who were for doing that work?
The problems are so complicated. I don’t consider all police bad, not even most. But, as in all segments of society there are bad elements. Better vetting, training, and oversight are but a few of the issues that need to be addressed. President Biden and the Washington State legislature are trying to make inroads. This doesn’t have to be a political issue, but one all people should want to work toward.