Our own famous and fabulous beloved author, Susanne Bacon, who comes to us as a gift from Germany, challenged me to write another Double Take feature with her.
Susanne and I like our Double Take columns because we start with only a kernel of an idea, such as a word or a photo. Without consulting each other, we independently let our two minds run free. When finished with our independent writing, Susanne and I compare our columns. It amazes us to see that our two minds, beginning at the same starting point, move in such divergent directions. The exercise displays and compares two human minds in action.
I sifted through my eclectic 17,135 photo collection to find what I considered my best choice. We thought the picture would provide a focal point to inspire our individual writing efforts for another edition of Double Take.

We challenged each other to independently write a column related to how the image stimulated our individual thinking.
The words that follow describe where my mind went as I gazed at the photo.
The mover man in the photo is seen carrying two boxes out of a moving van into my new Delaware home. He is using the balanced, powerful, and little-known human hand truck strap method.
This image helps document my leaving Washington State after 77 years, 51 of which were in the City of Lakewood. Washington State is our 42nd state, having been admitted to the Union in 1889. My new home is in our 1st state, Delaware, which was recognized in the year 1787.
Within 60 days, my wife and I bravely made a whirlwind decision to sell out, pack, move, and land in Delaware after 43 years in our Lakewood home.
The photo reminds me that while we managed to box up and move what George Carlin always referred to as “stuff,” none of my boxes were large enough to carry my friends to Delaware.
Friends such as…
Frank & Twila
Rob & Janice,
Rosanne & Gary,
Jim & Wendy
Larry & Sandy
Jim & Lori
Skip & Kathi
Niki & John,
Sharli & Larry
Gabe & Cyndie,
Dave & Dave & Dave, & Dave, & Dave & Dave, & Dave, & Dave (I have a lot of friends named Dave & I am not kidding.)
Drew & Patricia,
Edmund & Vikki,
Starbucks baristas Edra & Peggy,
Fred & Lark,
Brothers Peter & Robert & Horst,
Ralf & Thelma
Brothers Rick & Ron,
Shane & Diane,
Sonja & John,
Lenny & Sandie
If I forgot to mention anyone, I hope they do not see this column and thereby discover I forgot to mention them.
My stuff did fit into my moving boxes. My friends did not.
Yes, my photo says it all. I miss my friends and the Suburban Times readers who followed my Westside Story columns.
Conversely, if you allow me to be frank, or Joe, for that matter, I can honestly say I will not miss my baby sister, Peg, who is two years younger than me. She has been a Washington State resident for 75 years. It does not bother me, in the least, to be 2800 miles away from my sister’s Seattle home.
Before you think I am a mean and uncaring brother, I hasten to inform you of a mind-blowing fact. My sister independently, coincidently, and simultaneously is moving to the East Coast too. Now, this fact makes me wish to return to my study of statistical probability.
Think about it. A brother and sister, who are a part of the third generation of the Washington State Boyle family, decide, at the same time, to move to the East Coast. What we have here can only be thought of as a Double Take.
Care to read Susanne Bacon’s Double Take? Click here.
You will be missed! But I wish you all the blessings of life in your new home and admire your spirit of adventure in making the move.
Hey, I knew it. I forgot to mention Laura, a lovely friend of mine whom I will miss for our phone calls, emails, and coffee appointments.
Joseph Boyle
Joe, There are many people that are going to miss you, myself included. It has been a great honor to know you and discuss the current topics of the day with you. You are a good guy and a good friend.
Ron Irwin
I wont miss you either, big brother. So we are even. ?
I can hardly wait to be on the east coast with you… leaving Monday morning for the cross country drive. You were always ahead of me growing up?
Yes, we indeed miss you but admire and bless you in your new locale!
Thanks Joe for the friendship recognition in print. You are family and I will miss you until we can meet up again in Delaware or a Big Annual Motorcycle Ride (BAMR). You sure have an impressive list of friends. That must cost you plenty each month. I’m looking forward to receiving my next friendship payment. I see Ed and Ron did not make the list. Ha!
I think he ought to make payments to his little sister too. After all, there were many times I could have told on him to our parents.
LOL! Peg. I now know where Joe gets his sense of humor.
Hey Joe! Are you looking forward to an east coast summer? Being an USAF “brat” I’ve lived all over the world, but the pnw is the best! Do you miss The Mountain? When I lived in D.C. I’d see a bank of clouds and start to say, “The Mountain is out” and catch myself. It’s been particularly beautiful lately? Sorry to see you go, but glad it’s you there and me here.
Opps. I forgot HGF. She has been a friend since 1963. That is 58 years of friendship. It just goes to show you how long friends can last if you do not steal their money.
Joseph Boyle
Wondered where your stories had gone but now see you have been busy! Just as long as you keep writing and keep us entertained we will hardly even know you have left! So exciting and so brave to make that move but God bless you in all your new adventures!!
I think I made your list unless you know two people with names spelled like mine.
I think we met in 1983, could it have been so long since those Charles Wright Rummage Sale days?
I hope you both are happy in Delaware and getting lots of kid time with Paige and her family. We do all miss you lots and look forward to your writings and connections.
I had put this issue of Suburban Times aside to read when I got the time and then just lost it for a bit but glad I didn’t miss your Double Take with Susanne.
Let us get to know Delaware through your observations sent back as “postcards” to us in the Pacific NW.
No there is only one you. You made the list!
It does not look good for me to continue writing Westside Story as I no longer easily fit the publisher’s acid test of either being a Lakewood citizen or writing about Lakewood area topics.
Ben has generiously offered to connect me with my Instant Joe readers should I find another venue for my writing, which I will explore after we Boyle-ize our new home.
It is funny. My penchant for making observations and then recording my observations with an iPhone photo that leads to a fun and creative article continue. Today I found a photo opp where a small sign was on a table that said the items on this table are free. There were no items on the table. I had fun kidding the store owner about how she had got my day off to a bad start. But I can’t write and post the story, because it does not meet the publishing test.
Thanks for your enthusiastic support, Marianne.
Joseph Boyle