Imagine someone explaining to you that your mother’s doctor and the court has given a person complete control over your mom, her home, her savings, and access to her . . . and there is nothing you can do about it.
Rosamund Pike plays Marla Grayson, a crooked legal guardian who drains the savings of her elderly wards. With a sympathetic judge and complacent doctors and senior living establishments, she has established a lucrative relationship that makes her look like a dedicated do-gooder.

“If you are elderly and haven’t legally arranged for someone to take care of things for you should you become incapacitated, a state court can give a total stranger complete control over your life savings, your home and even which medicines you are given. It’s a system that has led to a cottage industry of paid professional guardians managing the affairs of our elderly – a role traditionally performed by a spouse, adult children or other close relatives or friends. And sadly it has often been abused.” – Article – The System Of Court-Appointed Guardians Continues To Fail The Elderly –

Marla may have met her match with Jennifer Peterson (played very nicely by Dianne Wiest). Jennifer and her son, played by Peter Dinklage, don’t really play by the book, themselves.

Nicholas Logan plays a scared cabbie and dedicated henchman sent to pick up Jennifer for her monthly meeting with her son.
Escalation is the rule of the day in the battle of wits for custody and life. One-upmanship can kill you.

Watch the trailer –
My son Patrick told me about this film playing on Netflix. He said he had already watched it twice. I’ve only seen it once . . . so far. I did let him know that his mom and I were still both competent . . . for now.

The views expressed in this article are the writer’s own.
Spoiler alert: the movie ends well, Marla gets her just deserts.
Thanks for the comment. Ah, yes . . . but who serves the dessert? Great ending.
Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed the film and will, like my son, watch another time or two.
Wow! That looks great! Thank you for sharing.
If it was a book it would be called a “page turner.” You never know where it’s going . . . but the subject is important and worthwhile reading about and sharing.
Thanks for sharing.