Ninety minutes into the January 11, 2021 Zoom meeting of the Clover Park School District Board (CPSD), Director Paul Wagemann asked for background information on the consultant who will provide training to the District on the subjects of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI).
With the exception of promising to provide a link to the consultant’s website, the board voted down Wagemann’s request.

In objecting to Wagemann’s request, Director Carole Jacobs commented, “We do not approve every consultant that the Superintendent chooses to bring into the district. To so task the Superintendent is micromanaging.”
But both Directors Alyssa Anderson Pearson and Anthony Veliz stated they believed at least a link would be in order.
So, for the public, here is the link and what was discovered upon further research into the people behind the EDI training in the CPSD.
They call themselves “Facilitating Awareness for Change & Equity (F.A.C.E.) Consulting Collaborative.”
Mike Beebe is the contact person for F.A.C.E. and notes in his experiences that he served as Board Chairperson on the Board of Directors for COLAGE (Children of Lesbians and Gays Everywhere), “a national organization advocating for the rights of GLBT families.”
The Executive Director of COLAGE, Jordan Budd, had this to say in response to Wednesday’s attack on the U.S. Capitol.
“We will not succeed in uplifting democracy or bringing queer liberation to all members of the LGBTQ+ community until we do the work of dismantling white supremacy.”
COLAGE is also a participant in the annual Creating Change conference, which is billed as “the largest LGBTQ activist conference in the country” and “the political hothouse” of the National Gay, Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF).
Serving with Beebe on F.A.C.E. is Viviana Aguilar whose special interest “is multicultural children’s literature and the unlearning of ethnic, gender, class and age bias presented in instructional materials.”
Would the CPSDB please explain to the citizens of the district the reasoning behind the selection of the Facilitating Awareness for Change & Equity (F.A.C.E.) Consulting Collaborative?
Concerning the “Creating Change” organization, Karen Oscomb wrote in the January 31, 2019 Los Angeles blade – “America’s LGBT News Source” – about Urvashi Vaid, a “Marxist-leaning former director,” who in 1993 called “for traditional 50-state get-out-the-vote organizing to combat the Christian Coalition.”
Vaid said, “‘We must develop a more pro-active and clear political strategy” to “knit together” different efforts, she said, and build a powerful movement to secure a federal equality act and beat back Newt Gingrich’s revolution.”
Connecting the dots:
“Creating Change” – the organization where Vaid advocated 28 years ago an anti-Christian “knit together” network to achieve “equality” – is the same organization whose conferences are attended by COLAGE as a featured presenter.
Mike Beebe served as Board Chairperson of the Board of Directors for COLAGE.
Mike Beebe is the contact for the consultant team brought on board by the Clover Park School District.
On Beebe’s team of consultants is Viviana Aguilar whose speciality – to use her own words – is that participants in her training “unlearn” what is, in her view, objectionable “instructional materials.”
Has a “Marxist-leaning;” “white supremacy dismantling;” “instructional materials unlearning;” “Christian Coalition” combating movement come to fruition and infiltrated the Clover Park School District?
The problematic roots are there.
When School Board Director Paul Wagemann made his “crack the whip” comment on December 14, School Board President Marty Schafer responded that he was “not comfortable with that comment.”
Now that readers have read who – and what – is behind the collaborative invited into the District, perhaps readers will respond similarly to the school board:
“We are not comfortable with your consultant.”
Kudos Dave!
I figured this was a Non traditional instructor as it appeared the company info wasn’t given out easily and the CPSD Dir request was taken as micromanaging.
I get confused with the acronyms and how years ago those who are Q were offended if anyone called their lifestyle as such!
Prayers for the community and the country!
Makes one wonder if Director Carole Jacobs knew the information at the time of the meeting and objected to releasing the information solely on the grounds of the optics. Good to know you are researching it for the community since it seems some don’t want this information out there. As was noted by Director Alyssa Anderson comment about how a simple Google search did not produce company info, to include a mission statement, which rightly lead to her request for a link to the company website. I would be curious to know all of the Directors thoughts about the company now that you posted the information they sought. I personally have concerns about ANY company that appears to be purposely concealing the mission of the organization.
Nice investigative work!!
I applaud the District’s choice of consultant in this case. It sounds like the District is doing a great job of promoting a healthy and open approach to equity, diversity, and inclusion. It is important that our leaders, especially teachers, recognize that they need to truthfully and fairly address the needs and aspirations of **all** people. Thank you CPSD!
Equity and inclusion HBCUs are the Selective Service Office
Pick and choose Equality is oppression
Group IQ down since 1970
Opportunity Cost of SJW
You know as well as anyone else FACE was hired before Ron was named as superintendent. And I’m going to guess no one questioned that choice until now. I wonder what the difference is?
A quick google turns up the article where the 1993 quote by Urvashi Vaid was taken. Connecting the dots on the assumptions in Don Anderson’s comment:
We should find out exactly what materials are objectionable before assuming they are not.
Vaid advocated against the Christian Coalition, a political group, not Christians.
Viviana Aguilar is not Urvashi Vaid. Urvashi is not part of this consulting group.
Is Don suggesting white supremacy should continue as is?
Since when is Marxism equivalent to social justice?
Mark Beebe was on the board of COLAGE. Here is the Wilipedia definition of that organization:
“COLAGE is an organization created in 1990 by the children of several lesbian and gay male couples who felt a need for support. COLAGE is run and operated by people of all ages who have a LGBTQ parent or parents.”
If this sounds threatening to you, I would have to wonder why. Do you assume that he agreed with all the speakers at that conference?
A lot can happen in 28 years. Some current, relevant information should be found before making a decision. And it should be based on fact, not assumption.
Cindy Walston
FYI, David Anderson – that’s me – wrote the article. Not Don Anderson. Also, fyi, a person is known by the company he keeps. In the case of this consultant, no one, evidently, on the school board, even did the rudimentary Google search that might have turned up anything of concern.
Or did the School Board do a simple Google search?
Makes you wonder why the push so fast?
The current racist misandrist bias against white men ignores hypocrisy, IQ, Normal/Natural Distribution, and the basic laws of economics.
Until you are able to judge objectively, and use simple logic rules, your observations and conclusions have the likelihood of being correct akin to winning the lottery. Slim to none.
HBCUs are racist.
Selective Service Office is institutional misandry.
“Affirmative Action” is a gaslight for racist misandry in education and employment, institutional and systemic.
Pick and choose Equality is nothing but oppression.
Rights and responsibilities go hand in hand. Basic Civics.
Glass ceiling? Sod floor of Arlington first.
Nothing is being observed objectively today, and the solutions and are more of the same.
Group IQ down since 1970
Opportunity Cost of SJW
Surgical masks don’t work for CS gas or biological agents like covid19, never have. Until now.
Nothing is correct at a basic level.
Bad for the population.
Former nuke team leader
Retired state economist