Saturday morning I leave home to purchase the Seattle Times Saturday edition and the The News Tribune Friday/Saturday edition. I can usually pick up a copy of The News Tribune for a buck at The Dollar Tree on Sixth Avenue in the Highland Hill Shopping Center, so that is my first stop. I was in shock and disbelief when I approached The Dollar Tree and found a temporary chain link fence blocking access and plywood over the windows and doors. I was devastated knowing that people on a budget need The Dollar Tree for everything from household needs to food items.

Of course, in today’s world most big corporations NEVER publish a contact address to answer questions, so I found out who rents the space at Highland Hill (a firm in Bellevue), and sent an email to Betsy. Perhaps I will get an answer next week, however I also published a message on Facebook asking if anyone knew why it was closed. In about an hour I had an answer. Friend Danelle Votta had the answer and images. The roof gave way on the 21st of December and crashed through the ceiling.
It looks like much of the damage initially came down on the holiday decorations, but of course the rain damaged most of the goods. The incident happened about one in the morning, so no one was there to be hurt from falling debris. Water and temperatures will cause most of the destruction.

The Dollar Tree is a great place for purchasing all kinds of affordable items as well as food. From Jimmy Dean sausages to packages of egg noodles, The Dollar Tree has bargains galore. For example, I love Peppadew peppers, but you can’t find them everywhere. The last time I checked at Metro Market they were ten dollars a pound. I can purchase fourteen ounce jars of Peppadew peppers for only a dollar. I bought five jars for five dollars total.

Luckily, The Dollar Tree stores are found all around our county: By the Tacoma Mall just off 38th Street, in Rainier Plaza – Tacoma Central on South 23rd – 72nd Street Square (Tacoma) – 14916 Pacific Ave S (Tacoma) – University Village (University Place) – Lakewood Cinema Plaza (Lakewood) – Lakewood Towne Center (Lakewood) – Oakbrook Plaza (Lakewood).
The Dollar True is a Fortune 500 company and operates 15,115 stores throughout the 48 contiguous U.S. states and Canada. In this time of COVID, The Dollar Tree is helping our neighbors survive.
It’s a great place for some cleaning supplies .Also crossword puzzle books. And a nice variety of coloring books for all of us .Plus great party supplies, balloons,cards,etc.
Thanks for commenting. I agree on the cleaning supplies and books. Dishwashing soap for a buck, where else can people get that much of a bargain. We’re lucky that there are numerous Dollar Tree stores in our communities to help people survive.
Thanks for sharing.
Great to consumers..but treat staff like $&*^. LOL
I work at the dollar tree in edmonds Washington and love it. I love our guest that come daily and see the variety of things that they buy. Please keep shopping with us we truly appreciate you.
If you are not watching DIY channels on YouTube, then you haven’t seen the main reason that Dollar Tree is booming. Everybody and their dog has a DIY channel, using Dollar Tree items. It is good if you have a boat load of craft supplies to go with the dollar items. Crafters seem to have tunnel vision and never tell you the cost of a project IF you have to buy more than the dollar items. So more often than not, the projects are not cost effective for what you end up with. It’s relaxing to watch…and then I go find a good sale on Amazon.
I love dollar tree stores . Love the holiday decorations . Always something new that catches my eyes. In this day and age thank God for the dollar tree! Thank you dollar tree!
Dollar tree stores have been the greatest help for people during the pandemic across the nation. I’m a retired Dollar Tree employee who worked very hard to bring those deals to people in need. We had a major flood in the city of Salem Indiana which caused us and others to have to re-build but now the store and company continue to thrive to the community and continues to grow it’s brand. Great company.
I love Dollar Tree for many reasons but nostly for crafting supplies..seems since Covid19 there has been a lot less of there normal and holiday product on the shelves..very sad?
There’s always something new to try experience. I usually get like office supplies for my house and lately tried some shampoo and conditioner and was impressed. I compare when I get home I tell my brother look all this for under $10 and in walmart it’s easily $40 and I feel good.
Hate to rain on everyone, but dollar tree will no longer have everything for a dollar. I believe come February or March they are raising their price. They will start selling items for one dollar and up. Our store manager got an email from corporate last month about the change in prices.
Thanks for commenting. Nothing stays the same. I think we all know that. Dollar Tree has been successful, I would hope they continue with extremely affordable goods even as times change.
Thanks for sharing.
Dollar tree has always had amazing deals for a dollar…each time I go in I always find something I need want or found fun so I bought it…I only have one complaint about and its sadly in most of the DT stores I have gone to over the years… They are a mess! Products mixed in with other products or strewn all over the floors I get that they are busy but seriously the long lines and the appearance have me questioning why I continue going back…I think they are understaffed 2 associates (at least one) should be ONLY recovering the store on each shift and 2 cashiers on register for their shift… You can’t keep appearances in disarray like that all the time i get the associates are not baby sitters for the customers that come in However they will attract better clientele if they put a better effort into keeping their stores tidy and shelves easier to shop… Keep bringing in the awesome products You have communities that value the dollar tree and will continue shopping just to find the new fun finds
Thanks for commenting. Yes, yes, yes, yes . . . you are right on. I’m sure they keep staff at a minimum. I hate long lines as well, but they are unpredictable. I can go in for a quick buying opportunity and see no one in line and virtually no one shopping in the store and yet when I go to check out there’s a line. It’s like magic. I figure that all those bodies are there to thwart me, but I could be wrong. Timing is everything. I agree on the messiness as well. People are sloppy shoppers for sure, but I’ve never seen anyone not doing their job. My only real complaint is the balloons. I know they are a big seller, but my shopping life comes to a dead stop when someone needs a balloon and the cashier has to go blow up the balloon . . . or two . . . or god knows how many are coming to the party???? Anyway, other than that, I’ve never had a bad check out experience . . . some cashiers are faster than others, but I see that at Safeway, too. Oh, well . . . Good food and good deals abound at Dollar Tree.
Thanks for sharing.
I LOVE Dollar Tree!! I can get a lot of nice items and groceries there. Since I’m a low income person, I can afford the things I need at Dollar Tree! Keep up the great work Dollar Tree!?
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Quite often I write articles about preparing for an earthquake, and/or getting by when the paycheck doesn’t have enough . . . I always recommend St. Vinnie’s for help as well as a great place to shop for used clothing, furniture, and more. Besides mentioning St. Vinnie’s I single out Dollar Tree for day to day accolades!
Thanks for sharing.
I used to be an assistant manager Dollar Tree and yes they are the best stores to get everything you need for a dollar no more . I had an accident about 6 years ago and I’m handicap now or I would still be working there. Every week it is something new and for any reason you need a quantity you can always order from the store itself online. You just never know what you’ll find so keep looking.
Thanks for commenting. “You never know what you’ll find . . .” you are so correct. I do hope the Highland Hills store reopens. I would shop there every couple of days. When my wife had some muscle pain, I found a flat ice bag. You just place it in the freezer and then take it to be with you . . . repeat if necessary. Great product . . . and only a dollar.
Thanks for sharing.
A nice alternative to traversing stores acres-big and long lines! I love Dollar Stores. I love getting greeting cards, birthday cards, gift wrap, gift bags, party supplies! Oooh! Seasonal decor is great too!
Thanks for sharing. Gift bags have saved me so much time. I used to buy them at Dollar Tree for when I produced family and business anniversary celebration videos. Sometimes I just the aisles . . . you never know what you might miss if you don’t look closely.
Thanks for sharing.
I’m a crafter and Dollar Tree is my #1 place to get supplies. Also great for cleaning supplies.
Thanks for commenting.
Craft supplies indeed. I have a box of acrylic paints . . . a heavy box of acrylic paints . . . even at Walmart that box would have cost probably twice as much.
Thanks for sharing.
I’m retired. It has helped me out plenty of times. Plus great place to find craft items! Thanks Dollar Tree!
Thanks for commenting.
Craft items are a must. Decals, canvas paint boards, and picture frames. Strike it rich with ideas there.
Thanks for sharing.
I love Dollar Tree. I get everything from there. Plus the new Crafters Corner is a big plus for me. I’ve made so many great things. I belong to many Dollar Tree Crafting pages on Facebook. It’s kept me sane thru the quarantine.
Thanks for commenting. Crafts!!!! Indeed. I love the craft isle. Acrylic paint a dollar a bottle . . . paint brushes that I don’t have to clean . . . good enough to do the job and then toss them.
Thanks for sharing.
Best place where Very Best for holiday decs, every think really is a dollar or less! Anything!
They now carry frozen food! Icecream too. ready Ice $1.00
Glad their stock is soaring? It should! Bravo Dollar Stores
Thanks for commenting. You are correct. Well before holiday time, they have their holiday products out and ready for people to purchase. I love the Farmer John’s sausages. We like to use them for tacos (tortillas are also available). I haven’t tried the ice cream, yet . . . but will.
Thanks for sharing.
Does anyone remember the 88-cent stores? Everything in them was 88-cents or less. They were my fave place to go to when I was a kid.
So….when the Dollar Tree showed up….De Ja Vu! I was a happy teenager again! And, that’s kind of hard to accomplish when you are 73!
Just like when I was a kid, I love to go to the candy section. I am a “sucker” for Necco’s, and every time we went in I always bought 5-bucks worth. Well, no more Necco’s….they went out of business I was told.
Howmsoever, we always go to the Dollar Tree to get gift bags, ribbons, etc. for gifting and other stuff on occasion….yup, a dollar an item… it!
So…..they intend on raising their prices? Hope not by much.
I think my parents and I went to an 88cent store in Olympia. I remember we bought thongs . . . the feet kind . . . I do love Dollar Tree. If I see a bag of Maplenut Goodies I will eat it on the way home . . . no Maplenut Goodies, well FiddleFaddle will do. I have heard some people complain because quite a few things are from overseas: pickles: Vietnam, jam: Egypt, etc. but I always remind those people that cargo ships don’t go back empty. Trade makes the world go round.
Thanks for sharing.
I love Dollar Tree but our Dollar Tree in Pineville, La., doesn’t have near the craft products that most stores have!! Please, please, please can someone come and help our manager get more craft supplies, organizing baskets, and wood crafts to use!! Thank you in advance!
Thanks for commenting.
I can’t really help you, but you might want to share this article with others in Pineville as well as the store itself. Advise them to read the comments. I think the majority of the comments were about crafts . . . and there are over thirty comments. I glad the article reached all the way from Washington to Louisiana.
Thanks for sharing.