Tracy Peacock, Executive Director of St. Vinnie’s here in Pierce County introduced me to HelpKitchen. St. Vinnie’s helps with individuals with food and gas cards as well as rental assistance and more. They have partnered with the Help Kitchen and one of the food truck’s serving 98409 zip code is located at St Vincent de Paul (4009 South 56th St., Tacoma, WA 98409). There are food trucks placed around Pierce County so persons in need are not limited to the 98409 zip code.

Last April, HelpKitchen was launched in San Francisco at the beginning of the pandemic. The program was so successful that they opened a second operation in Detroit. In early September, Tacoma became the third city in the nation to host the program. HelpKitchen is a way for individuals or families to get hot meals, free of charge, without jumping through hoops to prove just how in need they are — just text to 253-215-8101 and enter the text “Find a Meal”. You will receive an instant response asking “how many in your family” and “zip code.” You can order up to a family of six and will be instructed to pick up your food at the designated site with a date and time. You must order 3 days in advance. And, you must wait 3 days between requests, but can continue to request food.
Tacoma started with four restaurants in the program. They just announced on Tuesday (December 15, 2020) they now have fifteen Pierce County restaurants taking part:
@ Thai
3uilt Food Truck
Da Tiki Hut – Read our restaurant review –
Doyle’s Public House
En Rama
Garden’s Gourmet
Harmon Pac Ave
Rhein Haus
Shakabrah Java – Read our restaurant review –
Sluggo Brewing Tap and Kitchen
The Social Bar and Grill
The Patio at Alma Mater
VK Viet Kitchen
Wooden City
My Suburban Times article was posted Tuesday morning with various local Facebook Groups and by the afternoon there were well over fifty shares on Facebook of the article and the service. Things are looking bright. The Electoral College elected a new president on Monday, COVID vaccines are being distributed beginning today, Hanukkah has started, Christmas is coming, and so is Kwanzaa. More importantly, people are helping people.
You may donate to the program here –
You may also donate to St. Vinnie’s for their programs (food, rent, utilities, gasoline, and more) designed to help our neighbors in Pierce County. –
Why would there be a Statement regarding ” A New President was elected” and Covid Vaccines are now available”, in your Help/kitchen Info? That isnt the case at all. #1 Joe Biden has Not been involved in getting Vaccines in any way, shape or form. Hes had no involvement.. And it has not been decided that he will be President either. Your misinformed. The Election was A Fraud and that’s been proven. Watch Sidney Powell or NTD News and get The Truth. The Biden Family has been proven to be Corrupt. Find out The Facts for yourself. Its important you do.
Thank you for commenting. Your complaint is about part of the paragraph concerning people helping people and everything looking bright with six examples. I’m sorry you oppose my viewpoint.
“My Suburban Times article was posted Tuesday morning with various local Facebook Groups and by the afternoon there were well over fifty shares on Facebook of the article and the service. Things are looking bright. The Electoral College elected a new president on Monday, COVID vaccines are being distributed beginning today, Hanukkah has started, Christmas is coming, and so is Kwanzaa. More importantly, people are helping people.”
I disagree wholeheartedly with your comment about our new president who won the election by 7 million votes, and was selected by well more than the majority of Electoral College votes needed to win. The Biden Family has not been proven corrupt, no more than the Trump family has. I always search for the truth because it is important to me. I also always check for bias. I check news sources via Here is their assessment of NTD News: “Overall, we rate NTD TV Right-Center biased based on editorial positions that favor the right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to a lack of transparency with ownership and a failed fact check.” I have no problem with right-center bias, nor left-center bias, but I do have issues about transparency and fact checking.
Thanks for sharing. Please, do continue to read my articles.
Comic gold!
Thank you for being positive even when negative people try to drag you down.
Thanks for commenting. Everyone is entitled to their opinions and the opportunity to express them . . . even if they come across as negative. We always need to believe in what we do, say, and think. We can’t let others turn us against what we believe is right.
Thanks for sharing.