My Westside Story posted earlier titled Westside Story – Superhero, ended on a defeated note. I would have written a more upbeat ending, but I saw no way out of a national tragedy, the disappearing phone booth predicament. At first it appeared that no phone booths meant no more Superman as a superhero. Just as I gave up all hope, I stumbled onto a perfectly workable solution.
Once again, I have proven that when you have a problem, it is prudent to continue searching for a solution. Never give up.
I discovered a replacement device for Clark Kent when he peels off his mild-mannered reporter suit, shirt, and tie to don his Superman costume, including his red cape.
Today, dads can use the concept that Honey Buckets have replaced the phone booths while explaining to their kids how Clark Kent and Superman manage to be a superhero.
Honey Buckets can be found in all kinds of places, which makes the explanation more believable.
Kids, anytime you see a brightly colored Honey Bucket, watch for Clark Kent and Superman.
If you spot a stick with a red flag near a Honey Bucket, the Honey Bucket has been used by your favorite superhero.
That is truly funny and creative; the ubiquitous Honey Bucket.
Larry King,
What I am having trouble with is your use of the word ubiquitous. You and I attended the same high school and college. In all that time together, I never learned the word ubiguitous.
Oh, I think I have figured it out because my wife knows the word ubiguitous too.
You two attended kindergarten together back in about 1949. I bet that is where you learned ubiguitous.
While you were learning that fancy word I skipped kindergarten and spent my days playing with my pals.
I did learn the phrase “Hey unh!” and you will not find that in any dictionary other than the Joe Boyle Dictionary.
Hey unh, have you noticed that the word ubiquitous is ubiguitous throughout my Reply?
Joseph Boyle
Thanks for an early morning smile, Joe.? It takes a Superhero to bring one to my face these days!
Thank you for the positive comment which supports my effort to lighten my readers’ day with a smile or a laugh.
If you want to know the truth, I always wear my superhero cape while writing a Westside Story.
After finishing each story, I fly around Lakewood to find my next story.
Joseph Boyle
Im so relieved to know the higher purpose of honey buckets.
Now Peg, that is funny.
Joseph Boyle