Cyndie Fajardo (pronounced faa har doe) is running for Pierce County Sheriff. There are many reasons to vote for Lieutenant Fajardo.
Reason #1 to vote Fajardo for Sheriff is because of Lieutenant Fajardo’s and her family’s long involvement with LAW ENFORCEMENT and PUBLIC SERVICE, dating back to 1886.
Reason #2 to vote Fajardo for Sheriff relates to her LEADERSHIP profile.
Reason #3 to vote Fajardo for Sheriff is EXPERIENCE.
The Pierce County Sheriff’s Department and The Town of Steilacoom selected Chief Cyndie Fajardo to serve as the Town of Steilacoom’s Director of Public Safety on a paid Contract Chief basis.
The Director of Public Safety or Contract Chief equates (I like the word equates) with Sheriff.
The Town of Steilacoom and The Pierce County Sheriff’s Department developed a mutually beneficial contract for services arrangement. For a monthly fee, the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department agreed to provide the Town of Steilacoom with a member of the Sheriff’s Department who was qualified to serve as its top cop. The top cop was also in charge of the Steilacoom Fire Department and the Town’s Medical service.
Chief Fajardo planned, organized, and directed all functions of the Police, Fire, and Medical services for Steilacoom.
Chief Fajardo prepared and managed a $1.5 million budget, oversaw 13 regular employees and 25 Volunteer Firefighters, along with a Reserve Police Officer Program.
She established and participated in public relations programs, public education, and citizen assistance programs.
I could keep writing about the 1001 things Chief Fajardo was involved with and responsible for as the Town’s top cop, but let me tighten this up, so it is not such a long read.
Cyndie Fajardo has three years of experience leading police, fire, and medical departments. She served the Town of Steilacoom from 2000 to 2003 which was like being a mini Sheriff. It is not much of a leap to move from wearing three Chief hats to wearing one Sheriff hat.
Cyndie Fajardo has more experience dealing with the challenges of being Sheriff than any of the other three candidates.
An excellent Sheriff needs EXPERIENCE. That is why Joseph Boyle is voting Cyndie Fajardo for Sheriff.
Cyndie Fajardo’s website:
The views expressed in this article are the writer’s own.
She won’t make it out of the primary. No sense writing multiple articles about something that isn’t ever going to happen. Best of luck to you in future endeavors, but this incessant pandering over a former “friend” seems futile.
Mr. Scott Anderson,
Thanks for sharing your opinion.
Four candidates are running for Sheriff. Under our system, we hold a primary election to narrow the field to two choices.
Ed Troyer has name recognition after 30 plus years of being on TV related to his Public Information Officer (PIO) position and his involvement with The Sheriff’s Report TV show.
Name familiarity is Ed Troyer’s only qualification. Some voters may choose to turn their brains off and vote based on name familiarity.
If that happens, then Ed Troyer will make it out of the primary.
Doug Richardson has strong name familiarity too, plus he has an accomplished background involving leadership positions and activities. What he lacks is law enforcement experience.
Cyndie Fajardo does not possess a well-known name, yet she is the best candidate of the four, based on her education, skills, experience, and background. Her background, which is not the same as Doug Richardson’s, is very competitive with Mr. Richardson’s.
Darrin Harris is an unknown to me, thus. I make no comment.
Based on your political prognostication, I expect that you believe only Ed Troyer and Doug Richardson will survive the Primary Election. Based on name familiarity, there is a distinct possibility your prediction will be accurate. If my choice is Ed Troyer or Doug Richardson, I will vote for Doug Richardson.
With my Constitutional Right of Free Speech still intact, I plan to continue writing multiple articles because Cyndie Fajardo is our best candidate.
If voters take the time to educate themselves and commit to making an intelligent choice, it will become evident that voting Cyndie Fajardo for Sheriff is in our community’s best interest.
For the record, Cyndie Fajardo is not a former friend. She is not a current friend. Friends have meals together, go to coffee together, celebrate holidays together, and go on vacations together. I never send her a birthday card or even call her on her birthday. I do not know when her birthday is. We are not friends.
Cyndie Fajardo is a strong acquaintance of mine and has been for 30 years. We have always had an excellent working relationship at the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department. I know her qualifications for Sheriff.
My relationship with Ed Troyer is that of a friend, based on your assumptive definition. My connection is a bit stronger than my relationship with Cyndie Fajardo.
In reality, Ed Troyer is a strong acquaintance, just like Cyndie Fajardo. I do not know Ed’s birthday, either.
You communicated that there is no sense in writing multiple articles about something that is never going to happen.
There is a sensible reason for me to continue writing what you describe as multiple articles, and that is it could and should happen.
Cyndie Fajardo is the most qualified candidate for Pierce County Sheriff.
My writing has nothing to do with what you term friendship. If friendship/acquaintanceship were the key, I would write to support Ed Troyer and Cyndie Fajardo with equal endorsements.
I feel dutybound to share the truth with the voting public, as I see it.
If Cyndie Fajardo loses at the primary or the final election because of the old name familiarity voter trap, my conscious will be clear. I will have done what I can to share my insider information with the voting public.
Your description of me pandering is not accurate. When I look up the definition of your word pandering, I learn to pander means gratification of an immoral desire or the archaic meaning, which is pimp.
I am neither, sir.
What I am going to do is continue writing articles with each one providing yet another rational reason to vote Fajardo for Sheriff until I run out of reasons.
If I wrote a series of articles related to Ed Troyer’s qualifications for Sheriff, there would only be one article titled, Vote For Me, You Know My Name.
If voters choose to elect a less qualified candidate, then they, not me, will be responsible for the result.
Thanks again, Mr. Anderson, for your willingness to exchange opinions. While we do not agree, at least our exchange has been a civil discourse.
Joseph Boyle
As a lifelong Lakewood resident I shall be voting for Cyndie Fajardo. I too believe she has the experience and is not just a talking head (Mr Troyer). And is superior to the other two candidates that have at least some degree of qualifications.
Pierce County reports that the current Sherriff’s department. Has 300 commissioned officers plus 6 in Edgewood. 16 in UP. 309 in Corrections and 61 civilian employees. Then there are VENDORS staff working alongside hired staff ike medical. Meals, so on. Hardly a comparison to Our small town of Steilacoom. BUT we must pick from what is provided. Is experience in law enforcement worth more than experience in a very LARGE organizational management? Yes name and face recognition will being in some votes. But we need to ask ourselves what about the big picture? The SHERIFF oversees Budget, Training, Corrections, Patrol, & Investigations. If I believed reason #1 was valid so is drug abuse, violent crime. In some families. NOT! Reason #2 is good but do we disconnect MANAGEMENT over leadership? Clearly your first vote is for leadership and your 2nd is Management
That’s the real question thinking voters need to ask themselves Which do I value MORE?
Joe, Pierce county residence need to vote this lady in as sheriff before Seattle with their weak officials recognize her potential and work at getting her to King county to replace all those stinkers in high office. I read with interest your evaluation of Ed and anyone that does not return phone calls in a timely fashion will be a weak leader. After working in the business sector for 50 + years I know what I am talking about. Good leaders take care of things in a timely fashion . Van
King County needs a serious candidate like Cyndie. But then again, if and should she be elected there, the politicians there would make her term a living hell..