When you’re living on the edge, what might be an inconvenience to most of us becomes a major problem. While we are sitting home, there are other people disparately trying to survive from day to day.

Tracy Peacock, Executive Director of St Vincent de Paul of Tacoma, Pierce County sent a note with a heartfelt story:”Just this afternoon, I was able to meet a young woman in our St. Vinnie’s parking lot who called the SVdP Help Line desperate for a gas card and a grocery gift card. We have eliminated our home visits, so the traditional face-to-face visits are more challenging, but not impossible. Myself and another staff member offered to meet her. Keeping our social distance, I slipped the envelope with two gifts cards through her partially opened window. She gave me a huge smile of gratitude and relief, and then went on to share some of the real struggles she is facing today. She said her next alternative was to start pan-handling for gas money because she didn’t know what else to do. I suggested other resources, such as our friends at 2-1-1 and to keep us in mind if she gets in a bind gain. We wished each other good luck and God’s blessings. We both teared up a bit. These are hard times. Every bit helps. (I made a mental note to check to see how many more gift cards we have on hand. These may become a hot necessity pretty fast.)”
Emergency Assistance – svdptacoma.org/get-help/
St. Vinnies provides work at their two thrift stores in Pierce County, which are now closed. Monies raised at those stores helps fund their programs like their St. Vinnie’s Homelessness Prevention & Basic Needs Program. They have helped people in almost every local community. If you have a few dollars to spare, please consider donating to St. Vinnies. If not St. Vinnies, then an organization that speaks to you. Just please consider helping out. Every donor matters and every dollar counts. – squareup.com/store/particular-council-of-tacoma-society-of-st-vincent-de-paul
I posted the following to two Facebook groups on Anderson Island where I live and on my personal page. Please consider posting posting to your page to help those in the greatest need.
Please support a local organization that helps people who are living from day to day with little hope in their lives consider a donation to the St Vincent de Paul of Tacoma, Pierce County. I find small local organizations with much lower operating costs are able to more directly help those in need. I am not affiliated with this organization. The article has link to the donation page.
And then I included the link to the story.
Thank you for your efforts. This is definitely a time of need that is going to get worse. St Vinnies does a fantastic job of helping the people in our community, but they need all the help we can give them. Thank you for helping out.