My wife and I recently stayed at an ABNB in downtown Puyallup. Up early I walked around by myself looking at the murals, the Sounder picking up passengers, and other sights.

Looking down the street I saw an “OPEN” neon sign where I didn’t expect it. Auntee B’s was one of my favorite places for breakfast in Puyallup, but I was pretty sure they had closed.
I wove my way through traffic waiting for the train grate to open and looked into the Meridian Café. There were three people in one booth in a room that could probably accommodate fifty or more. I walked through and sat down at a four-top about ten feet from the back door.

Jessica was immediately at my table. Soon I had coffee (Dark roast Dillano’s™ coffee) and a menu. A few minutes later I knew what I was going to order. Not really caring about biscuits (rarely any good at most restaurants) I ordered biscuits and gravy with “burnt, burnt, burnt” hash browns. I chose sausage links for my meat and eggs over-easy. As I recall Auntie B’s had decent biscuits, a major plus in my book. “We’ve brought back the Meridian Café in a big way – new kitchen and dining room, large banquet area and even new bathrooms! The only thing that hasn’t changed is the homemade goodness!” –

Shortly my breakfast was served. Jessica had already refused my order once from the kitchen because the hash browns didn’t appear “burnt” enough. My order of “burnt” is overkill. What I hate is lightly browned hash browns. I like my hash browns crispy. That a waitress stood up for my request impressed me. Yes, I fell in love with Jessica. I wish more waiters and waitresses listened to their patrons. The hash browns were absolutely perfect, although I had forgotten to ask for onions. Oh, well. My mistake. I stopped being perfect some time ago. The sausage links were browned just enough and served juicy! The gravy was thick and accepted a little more pepper for perfection. The biscuits were okay, which means better than most. Much better than most. I had maybe two or three bites. I think the Meridian Café is owned by the same people as Crockett’s. That’s a really good sign.

By eight, a Puyallup police officer came in through the back door carrying his laptop. He sat down, obviously a regular. Seats were beginning to fill, Kids were whooping a bit and a little buzz was telling me it was going to be a great day.

Walking back from breakfast was even more interesting. It was lighter and the mist was gone. I hurried across the train tracks just before the next Sounder whizzed through town, but not stopping.
Your article reminds me of old times. In the 1950’s my grandfather, Walt King, was a barber in Puyallup. He went to that restaurant every morning for a “short stack.” Occasionally on the weekend he would take me there for breakfast. Not sure if there has been a name change, but probably not. Thanks for the memories.
Larry King
I haven’t heard from you for a while.
You are probably thinking of Auntee B’s, which unfortunately close (a favorite of mine), but has now reopened at Meridian Café. Same feel . . . same tasty food . . . and same excellent service. Actually, maybe better on all those counts.
Thanks for sharing.