I am ooking forward to meeting history buffs, generally interested people, and friends at the Lakewood Film, Art and Book Fest. But Hey, give me a break. I look much better than the picture recently published in Suburban Times. Below, I am in the Pioneer Mother dress I wear for these presentations. Much better, right?
At the FAB FEST in addition to signing books, and doing a book event on Sunday at 3:30, we’ll be recording our internet radio show, Swimming Upstream at 9:00 Friday morning. We’ll be featuring the Lakewood Senior Radio Players, who will be doing a live radio review honoring the founder of the players, Lynn Geyer, who passed away recently.

In addition to the Sunday book event at 3:30 when I’ll tell stories from True Tales of Puget Sound, I’ll be asking attendees to help me get a running start on my next book by choosing communities to be featured in the follow up volume to True Tales of Puget Sound. The publisher, The History Press, is very excited about this second book,(but as nearly as I can tell, not sufficiently excited to offer an advance.)
I will need a lot of help in choosing the stories to include to get the book together quickly. I’m almost 86. I don’t have time to mess around. So here’s what i’m offering to those who help me play History Detectives to find community stories which appear in the new volume. Each story chosen, will of course receive credit in the new book. Also, those chosen will receive an autographed copy of the first books off the press – and an invitation to the gala Launch Event as soon as I know where and when and how gala it will be.

True Tales of Puget Sound has become one of The History Press’s best sellers for this year, and has been nominated for a National Arts & Entertainment Journalism Award. I think that the reason it has sold so well is that it points out that Washington State did not begin in Seattle no matter what the Dennys did. The territory and the state began in DuPont – and Tumwater, Steilacoom and Lakewood, very close to home.
So I hope everyone will stop by and see how well preserved I am in my Pioneer Mother Dress with Faux antique jewelry. I myself am not an antique. I am a collectible. I will have all of my books on hand. I will also have for sale Nick K Adams wonderful Civil War series, Away At War and My Dear Wife and Children, as Nick is not able to be there.
Dorothy, Sorry to miss the event. Hope to hear more local history soon!
If you miss FAB Fest, you can always catch me at Tai Chi at the Fair. This year, in addition to our Tai Chi and cooking demonstrations, our special guests are the Seven Daughters who will prepare Samoan Chicken Sapa Suey. There will be samples. We are at the Fair on September 20 from 10:30 to 12:30. (By the way, people ask how I can keep up the pace – it’s by doing Tai Chi three times a week.)
Then, on September 27, it will be Tea With Dorothy from 1-4 at Steeped in Comfort in Lakewood. If you want to just pop in and chat and maybe buy a book, that’s great. If you’d like to stay for tea, reservations are a must.253-582-1336. On the 28th, I’m at Arrowhead Gardens in Seattle. October 12 -13, The Western Art Show at Western Heritage Center in Puyallup. On October 17, (8:00 a.m.) The Eureka! Breakfast to benefit the Job Carr Cabin and October 19 from 1 to 4, Barnes and Noble in Lakewood.
I hope to see you at one of these events, because why not?
After reading this article, I cannot find a date or location. Would love to attend this, as I am 92 , lived here all my life and might be able to offer some info too.
Hello Evelyn… My apologies for not including that vital information. The Lakewood FAB Fest will take place at the McGavick Center at Clover Park Technical College Sept. 13-15. http://www.lakewoodfestival.org has more information.
Dear Evyn,
I would love to see you at the FAB Fest which will be held this coming Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (September 13, 14, and 15.) The theory is that writers and exhibitors will be there from (I think) 11:00 to 6:00 every day. I’m not optimistic about being there til 6:00, but I will be there every day from 11:00 to as long as I can manage. Definitely til 3:30. Also, on Sunday at 4:30 I am telling stories from my book. For that one I show slides and wear a pioneer dress. You don’t want to miss that. That would be a good time to come. If you’ll tell me when you plan to come, I promise to try my best to be there to meet you.
The FAB Fest is at the McGavick Center of Clover Park Technical College. It’s easy to find, There’s a signal on Steilacoom Blvd and Hageness Drive SW. Just turn onto Hageness and the McGavick Center is right at the end of the drive, around a traffic signal so easy i can do it. If I was unclear, easy directions are here. Hope to see you this weekend.