I hope many of my readers think like me. I never tire of seeing Uncle Melvin’s bicycle. The bike’s appearance changes constantly.
The bike is decorated in some manner every year by my talented, confidential, undercover, uncredentialed Master Gardener. She is not a card-carrying Master Gardener because she does not like going to meetings.
If you are tired of seeing Uncle Melvin’s bicycle, then how about my next bicycle or does this bike give you the impression I am a small thinker?
To show you I can think big, I will try to find a bicycle older and bigger than Uncle Melvin’s. The bicycle I have in mind is called the Penny-Farthing designed and built in the 1800s. If I find one, I will take a photo to share with you.
I love a challenge and as you will soon see in the next photo, I am close.
I love those pictures. I also use antique metal pieces in my landscape.
As a young man I had a 1961 Austin-Healy Bug-eye Sprite. Every time a semi passed me on the freeway I had a fear that I would be sucked underneath the trailer and be crushed by the tires. I would have that same fear today on the road with many of the tinker bikes. I used to ride my bike up and down I-5 all the time . . . until they finally let cars on it.
We have yet another thing in common. I too joined the Austin-Healy family by purchasing a 1967 Austin-Healy 3000, Mark III. It was known as the last angry car.
1967 was the last one them made. U.S. exhaust emmissions killed off the marque.