On July 17, fellow Suburban Times writer Joe Boyle let loose a tirade about my restaurant reviews. He claims that he had thought of writing reviews before I started writing mine. Here is one of Joe’s claims: “My pal from high school, Larry King, and I get together for lunch once a week. We had thought about writing restaurant reviews before Don started writing his. We even had a few reviews in draft form in addition to having designed a restaurant review checklist.”

Boo hoo! As the late comedian Jonathan Winters used to say, “Call me anything you like, just don’t call me late for dinner.” Obviously, Joe Boyle missed the dinner bell.
I’ve been voicing my opinion on food since eating my first cupcake and nearly burning down our house when I fried bacon for an afternoon snack in the first grade. So, I will not back down, I will even raise the steaks . . . stakes. Over the last two days my wife and I have created our own website of local restaurant reviews – eating-out-tacoma.com.
Joe and his friend Larry are proposing to do emergency room reviews . . . and perhaps hospital cafeterias. Mmmmmm, what a great idea. The good thing about hospital vittles is if you eat some bad food, you’re in the right place for vitals. I wish Joe and Larry well. If their reviews become popular, I would be happy to read them.
In the mean time, Joe can continue to lunch with Larry King. I will dine with my wife, Peg.
Don Doman,
Don, my first reaction to your responsive column is I believe you have done it. You might say your words have eaten me alive. I am left speechless. I am ready to cry “Uncle” (an old kid saying). That means I have no comebacks. Stand by though. Larry might.
Oh wait. I guess I have this to say. There Don goes again. Larry and and I were talking about having our own website for hospital emergency room reviews but both of us barely know what a website is, so we never got our website off the ground. To be honest, I thought websites had something to do with spiders.
Don has done it again. He now has a website. Congratulations Don!
Joseph Boyle
I love the by-play . . . perhaps we should ask Ben to change the name of the newspaper to The Subsidiary Times. I just hope there is a wider readership than you, me, and Larry.
Will someone please tell Don Doman that while Joe Boyle can dish it out, Joe Boyle can’t take it.
Joseph Boyle
You guys both rock, Joe and Don, and I’m sure I’m not the only one who gets a giggle out of your fencing. In the end we all know you are not fencing with drawn knives but with dessert spoons after the heavy news that we need to digest with something as lighthearted as your columns. Thank you!
Writers just wanna have fun-un.
Thanks for your comments. You always make sense and provide a chuckle. I love sharing.
Don Doman
Most of us are taking your restaurant reviews with a grain of salt…..and pepper. They are very entertaining. But so is Judge Geanie. Joe and I are thinking that we need to put you under oath before you write a review. How can a restaurant be that good? Even if is, Joe and I, with our simple tastes, might prefer hospital food. Even if it is bad, it is covered by health insurance. You, on the other hand, cannot present your Medicare card at a new restaurant. We still have the advantage. Grumpy old men rule.
Does Judge Geanie cross her arms, wrinkle her nose, nod her head, and make wishes come true? I would find that attractive in a judge . . . or even a food critic or food judge. Forget restaurant reviews. Wouldn’t it be fun to be a fudge judge? Or course we might end up in the emergency room with over-indulgence. Not necessarily a bad thing.
Thanks for the comments and sharing. Say hello to Joe . . .