Numerous citizens continue to comment on how we can and should win our citizen fight to restore Waughop Lake at Fort Steilacoom Park to an area of natural beauty thereby making it a lake where adults, kids, and pets can enjoy all kinds of safe recreation.
For decades what should have been loved and cared for was severely abused as a dumping ground for slaughtered animal body parts, animal waste, and who knows what from the old Western State Hospital farm. Then there are all the human sewer products that college students, professors and staff produced at Pierce College that was allowed by a faulty design supported by Washington State to flow into Waughop Lake. On top of all that, over the years chemicals have been dumped into the lake.
Waughop Lake got so bad authorities had to post the lake as a closed danger zone.
Have you ever wondered how bad the lake water might be in terms of impacting on humans, pets, and other living things related to development and health? What about standing downwind and breathing the air as it passes over the lake? What is the true impact of this now nasty lake?
I will be the first to tell you I am not a professional scientist. I did study biology, physics, and geology with grades ranging from A – D. I was a full alphabet guy when it came to letter grades. Based on my scientific background, I have a theory.
So with just a weak hint of scientific background, I have accumulated some photographic, scientific evidence showing a few of the adverse effects of this abused body of water. Mother Nature is not proud of Washington State’s abuse of Waughop Lake. Mother Nature supports suing Washington State to force our state to repair the damage they have caused.

I believe I have scientifically proven the City of Lakewood must carefully research the issues and solutions for determining what the best course of action is to regain Mother Nature’s approval of Waughop Lake.
Lakewood City Council and Washington State, please do the right thing, not the easy thing, for the citizens of Lakewood.
Thank you Joe for setting the record straight albeit with good humor!
Hi Joe,
As you known, I’ve been running my radio control model boats in Lake Waughop since it was made available to the public use. After all these years and many model boating events, I’m unsure if I can attribute my sore back to being around Lake Waughop.
According to all the experts who chime in about the lake and its disastrous, unhealthy condition, you should be dead by now, Jerry, just by being in close proximity to the water. But great for you and good for us, you’re not!
Right you are. Everybody who knows Jerry is happy Jerry is still alive.
I am a guy who met Jerry when he floated his first boat on Waughop Lake back in the previous century. Previous century? How old does that make Jerry?
Joseph Boyle