Julie Andrews (“Mary Poppins”, “The Sound of Music” – Academy Awards and Golden Globe winner, respectively) “stated that she considered this song too difficult to sing because it had no meaning behind it.”
Andrews was referring to the 1974 song “Feelings” by Morris Albert, the lyrics “recognizable by their ‘whoa whoa whoa’ chorus.”
It’s the ‘whoa whoa whoa’ part we seem to have forgotten anymore in our world today.

Normally meant to express alarm or “to command a horse to make it stop or slow down, or to urge a person to stop or wait – ‘Whoa, hold on a minute, Fred!’” – whoa no longer means slow, much less stop.
Feelings anymore, normally considered the caboose on the train, are now the locomotive.
Leading us down the track where?
“A recent survey given to all Austin public school students—as young as the third grade – told children, ‘Sex is what a person is born (sic). Gender is how a person feels.’
“The survey went on to ask pupils to select whether they feel they are a “girl/woman,” “boy/man,” or “identify in some other way.”
Penny-sized lenses on cameras in stores can now guess your gender – how you feel – and, depending on your perceived mood, will alert software somewhere hidden behind the shelves to attempt to sell you stuff.
“The creepy factor here is definitely a 10 out of 10,” said Pam Dixon, the executive director of the World Privacy Forum, a nonprofit that researches privacy issues.
Creeped out is how students at Abraham Lincoln High School in Council Bluffs, Iowa reacted to a biological boy entering the girl’s restroom, staging a walkout this month believing their right to privacy had priority.
Apparently not.
Vickie Murillo, superintendent of the Council Bluffs Community School District, said the school district believes “students who are transitioning into a new gender have the right to use the restroom that they identify.”
When Carol Burnett sung “Feelings” on “The Gong Show” the comedian got ‘gonged’.
“Feelings, nothing more than feelings” as the first line of the song goes now gets you want you want.
Even what you don’t want.
Smart store shelf technology could push products on digital displays that are alerted to the perception that you are feeling sad, that image transmitted by the tiny camera, and what do you know there flashes on the screen an ad for anti-depression medication.
“We shouldn’t be gathering the emotional state of anyone,” said Dixon.
But we are.
And we’re even using the emotional state of folks to change policy, sacrificing privacy.
Ironically, and perhaps not surprisingly, the flip-side of the original single of “Feelings” was “This World Today is a Mess”.
Feelings are just that. What one does about their feelings makes all the difference in the world. This implies choice.
I chose to recognize my feelings, then chose my behavior. I never permit my feelings to dictate my behavior, if I did, a lot of bad drivers would be prematurely dead.
Mr. Anderson,
Your article triggers some interesting thoughts.
It seems to me the rebellion-poor-me-victim industry is having a field day with the transgender concept. Maybe we are running out of things to protest about now that women can drive and vote and blacks are no longer forced to use their separate drinking fountains
Some in our population have described transgender issues as a form of mental illness when the individual’s mind does not sync up with their body. I am not Dr. Science, but the mental illness theory seems probable
When a biological boy wants to enter the girls restroom, many say oh let him feel his woman’s side. I do not hear anyone talking about the biological boy who feels like a biological boy, but lies about feeling like a girl as a perverted pretense to enter the girls restroom.
Transgenderhood is a license to steal, get your eyes full, cop a feel.
For any naysayers who say this cannot be true, I say you have your head in the sand and probably do not have a young daughter.
As a police officer I spent over two years as a juvenile investigator which is like being a kid detective. I investigated any possible crime a kid could commit except homicide. Full detectives investigated homicide with juvenile investigators assisting.
Guess which kind of crime was most prevelent in our juvenile case load? Sex crimes. If any reader was given the responsibility of investigating juvenile sex crimes the experience would make them sick.
Boys in the girls restroom? Knock it off. Get the kid some mental health help. Make him use single occupant gender neutral restroom. People do not want to hurt the transgender’s feelings. What about injuring innocent girls by allowing boys to invade their privacy?
While no reader of my comment should be confused about how I “feel” please understand that I am as adament about not harrasing a transgender, pushing one towards suicide, or physically assaulting an individual who happens to be mixed up.
Be kind and intelligent by prioritizing who we protect. Choose between mentals and innocent girls / women.
Joseph Boyle
Excellent thoughts and comments Mr Boyle. It would seem that in today’s society common sense and privacy have left the room.