Some people like to be critical of others and their religion. When it comes to religion, I believe in live and let live along with letting everyone choose their own religion and level of dedication to the faith of their choice. We could talk about, Catholicism, the Jewish faith, the Muslim religion, and others, but I would like to talk about Mormons. Why? Because my Mormon friends have some excellent ideas which any of us can copy even if we are not Mormon. The Mormons teach us to be ready for big once-in-a-lifetime emergencies. That is why they have a basement full of food, water, and other life-saving provisions.
While I am not Mormon, I am not too proud to learn from the Mormons. Accordingly, I have stocked my freezer with all the provisions my family will ever need to survive any kind of calamity with a well-chosen stock of survival foods.
If you want to be smart like, Joe Boyle and the Mormons, take a close look at my freezer contents and then hustle down to our local Lakewood Safeway that has been serving us since 1939. An intelligent well thought out purchase plan for survival goods is what can help you survive in the face of any adversity.
If one day you discover the end of the world is coming and you have failed to heed my suggestion borrowed from the Mormons by stocking up, stop on over, and I will sell you a small cup of Moose Tracks for $25.00 cash. We still might not survive a flood, famine, tornado, earthquake, war, uprising, pestilence, caterpillar invasion or the Lakewood Rental Inspection Program, but at least we will go out with a smile on our face by using the Joe Boyle modified Mormon survival emergency provision program.
Excellent choice !!
One question though….do you have a realllyyyy good generator ?
Absolutely. Must keep Moise Tracks from melting.
Opps. Make that MooseTracks.
In our house 3 cartons of Moose Tracks isn’t a stockpile of survival food. It’s a basic human necessity that lasts maybe a week – if we ration carefully……
Mr. Ben Sclair, I have to tell you. I loved your Moose Tracks Westside Story. Your sense of humor reminds me of my own sense of humor. I am still laughing at the thought of Moose Tracks as survival food.
Joseph Boyle
Bargle. Fixed.
I love moose tracks! Can I have a key to your freezer?!?
Ms. Collins,
I now know why you asked me, the other day, for the name of a good locksmith.
Joseph Boyle
P.S. Maybe this summer we can share some patio time along with a bowl of Moose Tracks.
Glad to see you’re back “in print,” Joe, even (apparently) under a pseudonym. First few sentences had me fooled into thinking you might have had a religious awaking during your quiet period. You got me! Would love to join you and Kjeri in a Moose Tracks binge, but —since I can’t digest chocolate — it would kill me. But if we’re positive The End is imminent, I could join you and go out happy, too.
Forget the Moose Tracks. Joe makes a mean Manhattan.
Wonderful juxtaposition: the day of resurrection and doomsday. Tsk tsk tsk. May you not find any Easter eggs.
Dieter Mielimonka