Three – Two – One! They’re on the air and right now you can hear them perform their first radio play. The Lakewood Radio Players, an offshoot of Lakewood Senior Players and the revered Lakewood Playhouse, guest this month on Dorothy Wilhelm’s Swimming Upstream presented on the SOB Radio Network. (SOB stands for Spunky Old Broads.)
The show currently playing its the first on-air venture for the broadcasters, but they had honed their acting skills under the direction of dynamic Lynn Geyer who used her extensive theater experience to create the Lakewood Senior Players, with the blessing and support of Lakewood Playhouse and its Managing Artistic Director John Munn. The reason for the Senior Players was simple, Geyer explains. There aren’t many good parts available for senior citizens who love to act, so why not create their own reviews and plays. From the beginning when the Players performed for anyone who’d sit down and be quiet for a minute, they are now much in demand and Geyer is proud of the fact that the Lakewood Senior Players were recently able to make a donation of $1000 back to their parent organization.

The Senior Radio Players can be heard right now – run like the wind – at or At the recording of the Swimming Upstream show on which the Lakewood Senior Players made their first appearance, recorded at the Lakewood Senior Center, Joe Dobzynski (who produces the show for Amanatee Productions from Sarasota, Florida) was so excited that he insisted the Players must come back on a regular basis because they represent old time radio that’s just not available any more. So the Players will be recording new plays every other month.
The actors in the current review are:
- Judy Ashley
- Debby Braudway
- Lilyiann Caswell-Isley
- Loren Donahue
- Pat Foran
- John Green
- Joyce Moody
- Liz Wylie
Lakewood Senior Players Creator and Director, Lynn Geyer
Lakewood Senior Radio Players Director Producer Bill McClelland
Dorothy Wilhelm was last seen trying not to sulk because she can’t remember Producer Dobzynski carrying on like that about one of her shows.
Love the idea of bringing back old time radio. Hope you will continue to let us know of new shows.
I have over 43,000 old radio shows on cd and have bookmarked about a dozen current otr sites on my computer, so I can listen to otr any time of the day or night online.
Simply type otr radio on your browser and you will have a myriad of stations from which to select. Some for download. Some for listening.
I’ve just about given up tv, when otr and one’s imagination are so much better.