We have a major storm of useless incoming calls in our future. “Nearly half of all cellphone calls next year will come from scammers,” that was not on my 2018 Christmas wish list. The news comes from First Orion, a call blocking technology company. Who would have guessed that a new year’s resolution list for 2019 would begin with #1, Don’t answer the phone?
On November 8th there were numerous articles across the country touting movement by the FCC to fight robo sales calls. Can you spell ineffective? Here’s the information from the Federal Communications Commission: Five ways the FCC is cracking down on illegal calls and eleven consumer tips to stop unwanted robocalls – https://www.fcc.gov/consumers/guides/stop-unwanted-robocalls-and-texts
SPAMMERS and SCAMMERS have effectively ruined communication. Perhaps, we should expand the details of “disturbing the peace” and provide jail time and tort actions against people who commit phone rape and peace thievery. We already jail more people than any other country, so what’s a few more million. Perhaps, we could retrain and hire the people currently in prison to track down electronically the phone culprits. Better yet, instead of water torture the CIA could start using mandatory robo sales calls for phone spam inmates. Just picture spammers and scammers going crazy getting useless phone calls all day long and into the night at their jail cells. The guards could offer the phone, “It’s for you,” but relief would always be just out of reach. Yes, I do believe in the power of punishment . . . for some people.
My sister-in-law, Marie suggests the app Robokiller. It’s free and supposedly works miracles on cell phones: “Ok. I’ve used the former #1 Robo app as well as a couple other popular ones. I can tell you, beyond a doubt, that THIS app not only works, but is actually entertaining!!! The amazing thing is, that it traps the caller BEFORE ringing your phone! And THEN, let the games begin!!!! The Answer Bots take over and completely screw with the idiot caller. But, the best part is that it RECORDS that conversation for your evil pleasure. And I gotta tell you…it’s flat out GRATIFYING! ;-)” – Capt. Gizmo
Estimates are that it only costs a penny for each call, which means the moments we hurry to the phone or search our pockets in the middle of a conversation, or stop reading a chapter in a book, or even just day dreaming . . . we’re being nickeled and dimed every day as our lives are interrupted and demeaned. Why should we suffer? The FCC should be able to stop these unwanted calls. If they can’t get the spammers and scammers themselves, then they should be going after the companies that hire them. I don’t care that I have “won” or cruise or if Hilton and Marriott want to thank me for my business. JUST DON’T CALL ME!
I recently joked on Facebook that I was thinking of starting a new business “Sales Call Assassins.” The object would be to hunt down the people who run the “boiler-room” offices of dozens of callers. Our motto: “Cease and desist or you will cease to exist.” Anyone want to sign up? – A number of people were ready to join. Unfortunately, I think they were all trying to call, but couldn’t get through . . . well, you get the picture.
To help with this annoying problem, we recently purchased a CPR Call Blocker V5000 from Amazon for about $75. When a call comes in, we check the number that shows up on the screen. (You need to have caller ID for this to work.) If it’s a number we don’t recognize or if the number starts with a V with about 15 numbers after it, we simply push a “Block Now” button on the device which ends the call. The number will then be added to the block list and cannot call you again. (I’ve read that numbers starting with a V come from an electronic dialing system used by telemarketers.) If another call comes in from this same number, our phone does not ring and supposedly the caller is given a message that this call is blocked.
We’ve had this is use for about 2 weeks and have blocked 58 calls. We’re noticing a drop in the number of calls coming in. Directions are included for unblocking a number, should you block one by mistake. We haven’t had to do this yet. So far this seems to be working for us. And any relief from this annoying intrusion to our privacy is worth it.
Thank you for reading and for commenting.
I love it when readers write in with additional solutions. In today’s world, I think we all need all the help we can get. I think in the very near future Amazon and Google will rule the world . . . perhaps, they already do?
Thanks, again for reading and offering a solution.
Of course, you could always turn off your phone and increase your engagement in the real world.
Engagement in the real world? Surely, you jest!
While there are some people that constantly have their cell phone glued to their outstretched hand, there are others that simply use phones as a communication tool for both personal and business use. When unwanted intrusions happen on a constant basis, there is no engagement. Some of us use phone in an as-needed tool. But we don’t need the same people calling and recalling .
Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts. I love comments on articles . . . oops, we’re back to engagement . . . which is always good.