Meet Acer. He and his pals did their job and now they are just unwanted heroes from yesterday. The world has passed them by. Once they could sniff out marijuana on suspects, in packages, or hidden is suitcases. They thought they were making the world a better place, but no. . . now those criminals are your average everyday people. Marijuana is legal.
Meet Acer. He and his pals did their job and now they are just unwanted heroes from yesterday.“Older canine workers across the country — and 14 narcotic dogs in Canada, where retail marijuana sales began last month – are being eased out of the labor force.” – Stacy Cowley – “Pot-sniffing dogs being retires as weed is legalized” – New York Times
Older canine workers across the country — and 14 narcotic dogs in Canada, where retail marijuana sales began last month – are being eased out of the labor force.Out to pasture, Acer and his friends are the butt of jokes. Recently Acer even got a horselaugh from a Longacres retiree, who ran second too many times.
Out to pasture, Acer and his friends are the butt of jokes.Acer often visits Circle B Ranch in Graham, thinks about his life, and encourages the pups there to enjoy themselves. He gives advice freely, “Pick a good home . . . play with the kids . . . join a human family . . . chase sticks . . . retrieve ducks and pheasants. Find someone who loves you.”
Acer’s pal Shifty, took to chasing cars and cats . . . and a life of drugs.“Don’t worry about me,” says Acer, “I have my memories.”
Acer is one of the lucky ones. He pal Shifty, took to chasing cars and cats . . . and a life of cocaine.
Acer and his co-workers are out of a job and homeless because their specific set of skills are no longer needed due to the legalization of their specialty. How ironic that another group of co-workers are in the same situation due to the the criminalization of their specialty: greyhound racing!
Hopefully, we will do better for them than we have done when our veterans and their special set of skills are no longer needed! I’ve heard that retired military snipers still have challenges finding gainful employment!
Thanks for reading, thinking, and commenting.
I was making light of the situation while knowing that in the not to distant future many people will be out of work due to robotics and AI. Legislators here in Washington have at least started considering the problem, while most other states and nationally I don’t think that realization has sunk in, yet.
As far as the military is concerned, I donate hosting for a website that helps retiring soldiers and I have a friend in the transportation industry who only hires drivers who are veterans. He also donates his time with the Boots to Shoes project. If you would like to help: I know they have scheduled events at JBLM.
Thanks, again for reading and writing in. I love to see comments from my readers.