I felt like a little old man wearing a shark-skin suit and white socks. My daughter-in-law’s brother, Zeke, was taking me to task at a backyard family party for wearing white crew socks with my shorts and my black New Balance trainers.

I have been wearing the same type and brand of socks for years . . . I won’t tell you how many. I buy them on eBay. They are a wool blend athletic white crew sock by Wigwam. They aren’t as thick as work socks, but they are fairly thick and add comfort to my size 12 6E feet. They cost $14.50 per pair.

I am very careful about my clothes. I’m not fashion bent, but instead insist on comfort. However, being chastised is not something I enjoy. I had been looking to place an order for some new socks, but decided to look around first. At the recent Soroptimist golf tournament at Oakbrook, I carefully eyed the men wearing shorts and looked at their socks. I was surprised to see that nearly everyone was wearing socks that barely reached their ankles.
Back at home I looked in my sock drawer and viewed my sock stocks. I actually had two pair of socks (that barely covered my ankles) that my sister Deedee gave me for Christmas a few years ago. They were brand new. I had never worn them. I tried them on. They had padded feet and no one looked at me strangely when I walked out in public. On Facebook a friend mentioned they had just purchased Nike socks in support of Nike and the Kaepernick kneeling controversy. I did my bit and ordered six pairs of Nike socks, which cost about the same as one pair of Wigwams. So, now I am fashionably footed and perhaps Zeke won’t nit-pick my choice of socks, again. However, my feet do feel a little chilled . . . and I think I need more padding . . . but one step at a time.

Fun to read what you write.
Thanks for reading and for writing.
I’m glad you enjoy what I write . . . not all people do. When I can I like to include a little whimsy.
Thanks, again for reading my articles and for commenting.
Don Doman, Clover Park High School Class of 1964
I’ve been wearing white socks since Junior High, Jason Lee Jr. High to be exact. I can give you my old ones for free. You might have to patch them in those places by the heel that get holes. I am sew sure you can do it
Thank you for writing.
Obviously, we share some of the same fashion sense. Actually, I would love to wear different colored socks and even with patterns, but most socks don’t feel comfortable and to me comfort is tantamount to appearance. I like padding. I was walking to the Huskie football game from the hotel to the football field at Notre Dame. My friend John Post was walking behind me and he commented about my choice of clothes. I was wearing knitted wool socks (kinda light blueish green and off-white) with my sneakers. I replied, “John, I choose my clothes very carefully.” And John, replied, “I know, that’s what makes it seem even stranger.” Of course your darn socks would be a treasure to have, but I fear they might not have a soul.
Thanks, again for writing . . . as you know missives from you are what I live for . . . well, that and good food . . . and . . . movies . . . and quite a few other things . . . but your words and thoughts are on the list.