Submitted by Don Doman.
The Homestead Restaurant looks like a small red barn. The Homestead is kitty-corner from the B & I Shopping Center on South Tacoma Way and just a few blocks shy of being in Lakewood. My favorite dining experience at the Homestead was several years ago when we took two granddaughters to dinner there after walking in Relay for Life at Mt. Tahoma High School. Peg had the opportunity of introducing this small offering of our clan to cancer funding icon Pat Flynn at that time. Those memories floated to the top of our thoughts as we sat down for breakfast, since our dear friend Pat only recently passed away.
The Homestead Restaurant looks like a small red barn.There is a surreal rural feeling at the Homestead that almost defies modernity . . . almost. The rough-looking wooden plank walls and the rock-a-billy music filling the air just scream Mayberry RFD except for the little flat screen video viewers on the walls at each four-person booth, which alternately show images of early Elvis Presley and Johnny Cash with food item offerings thrown in for color. As I listened to There Stands The Glass after already ordering, I nearly changed my mind three times because of the food pictures.
There is a surreal rural feeling at the Homestead that almost defies modernity . . . almost. Although it wasn’t on the menu the happy and pleasant waitress told Peg they would be happy to make her a BLT.Although it wasn’t on the menu the happy and pleasant waitress told Peg they would be happy to make her a BLT. Peg ate half or her sandwich and all of her fruit. The other half of the BLT went home for Peg’s lunch. It must have been good . . . I was never offered a bite even after sharing a sausage link.
I ordered a single pancake (unfortunately), link sausages (4), and fried eggs (2).I ordered a single pancake (unfortunately), link sausages (4), and fried eggs (2). It wasn’t until I saw my photographs later that I realized that I had forgotten to order corncakes instead of pancakes. Dang it! I’ll be hornswoggled. The Homestead doesn’t have pancakes as part of a meal. You have to order them separately. My self restraint kept me from ordering the homemade cherry pie, which I saw several times on the TV screen. I have recommended several times to different clients the use of small video screens carrying images of their services . . . to no avail. My hair stylist (yes . . . my hair stylist) used to have a video screen constantly playing images of her family, which I would watch as my hair was being cut. I think she wore out several screens before retiring the entertainment.
I combined my pancake, my eggs, and a sausage or two onto one plate, making a pancake sandwich. With a little syrup I was very pleased with myself and my breakfast. The cost was about half of what we paid on Sunday morning at the Original Pancake House in Tacoma. That OPH’s extra cost was well worth it, however since we had fresh berries (strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, and loganberries) from Puyallup’s Spooner’s Farm. There’s room for both kinds of breakfast places, so don’t get me wrong. As we left the Homestead I walked a straight line towards the door with my face turned away from the pastry offerings in the lobby. They offer . . . oh, just forget it . . . I don’t need to make myself hungry again.
I combined my pancake, my eggs, and a sausage or two onto one plate, making a pancake sandwich.
Love your writing, Nibbles.
Thank you so much for commenting . . . but I think you’re thinking of Kibbles . . . perhaps, Kibbles and Bits . . . yes, I’m sure . . . I’m getting hungrier!
Not sure why it was worthy to note the ethnicity of the waitress!
Thank you for reading the article AND for commenting.
Perhaps, I should not have mentioned the ethnicity of the waitress, but it seemed to be so much a part of her charm. She was friendly and helpful . . . and funny. Which is everything I prefer in the service industry and in my circle of friends.
Thanks, again for reading and for commenting. I do like hearing from our readers.
Story has been edited to remove reference to the waitresses ethnicity.
Good restaurant, The Homestead. Nice sized portions at an affordable price.
Have you been to Carrs? Have you seen their fruit bowls? WOW. They’re amazing.
We have long enjoyed The Homestead. Carr’s I’ve never really enjoyed. It seems like the service is sooooooooooooooooooooooo slow. The portions are huge, I agree, but the food’s taste, while okay, just didn’t justify a drive from North Tacoma to Lakewood. I’ve gone with friends several times, however.
Thanks, Don
Likely slow because they always seemed to be under-staffed. But that fruit bowl. WOWZER. Next time I go I’ll take a picture of it. It’s enough for a meal in and of itself, and all fresh. Wedges of watermelon ( in season ), thick slices of oranges, pineapples, and fresh berries and grapes. Yum.