We’re closing in on two months without cable-TV. Our world didn’t end, but I do miss being able to record favorites. We are still figuring out how to find the best selections. I just learned that my favorite reality TV programs are available for free on Netflix: Forged in Fire, Top Chef, and Undercover Boss. In a few months, with my savings from cutting cable, I’ll be able to purchase a DVR for recording programs directly off the net. As an alternative I could sign up with a service to store favorites on the Cloud. Re-watching is important for me, and people like our daughter Andi, who will watch, and re-watch favorites. Re-runs like Gilligan’s Island . . . not so much.
Re-watching is important for me, and people like our daughter Andi, who will watch, and re-watch favorites. Re-runs like Gilligan’s Island . . . not so much.The other evening I found a favorite movie, Saint Ralph. I was thrilled. I must have seen it at least eight to ten times before. It’s a coming of age, Canadian film about a ninth grade boy at a Catholic school. It’s funny and has characters you care about. The music is also wonderful: Good Night Moon by Will Kimbrough (https://youtu.be/QF1Swy50DEs) and Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen (https://youtu.be/YrLk4vdY28Q). I played it again and saved it on my “watch list.” No charge.
World War II films abound on the internet. . . some you’ve heard of most you’ve not.There are more programs available for free on the internet than you could ever watch . . . and the choices are constantly growing. I’ve always loved movies, and the selection of movies range from really bad movies to fantastic movies. World War II films abound . . . some you’ve heard of most you’ve not.
What are the markers of a really bad movie:
- Multiple credits for the same person acting, writing, directing, and producing.
- Long voice overs explaining the story.
- Actors you’ve never seen or heard of before.
- Sparse dialog.
- Close ups of faces showing emotions, while someone else speaks.
- Audio you can’t hear, video you can’t see, and music you can’t forget soon enough.
There are many really bad movies, some really, really bad movies, okay movies, good movies, really good movies, and really, really good movies. Most services have rating systems from one star to five stars to designate the quality. Tastes differ. I’ve enjoyed many movies that others would not. I’ve also hated movies that others rate high. This happens at the theaters as well. The only difference is the cost. If you’ve paid ten dollars or better to watch a movie, chances are you’ll sit and keep watching it because you’ve invested travel, time, and the cost of tickets. On the internet, you can simply move on if a movie doesn’t engage your interests. There are many movies you can pay to view, but eventually they’ll be free as well. You just need to outwait the service.
Life is too short to watch a bad movie, even if it’s free. But when you find a good movie or a really good movie, you’ll want to share the details with friends and family. With movies and TV shows on the internet for free, you can pick and choose.
You should start a blog and invite input from others who have also dumped cable TV. Should be lots of interesting ways to enjoy home entertainment on our TVs that could be shared…
Thank you for reading and writing. Actually, I always post Suburban Times articles on my facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/publicdoman – and often post shorter comments about the same subjects. I like reading comments . . . which often turn into more posts and articles.
Again, thank you for reading . . . and commenting. I always read and think over suggests.
Glad you like Saint Ralph. 🙂
Here’s the Gord Downie cover from the movie.
Adam Butcher? The Adam Butcher? I first saw Saint Ralph on cable . . . watched it again with my wife and then shared it with friends when a number of us stayed in Ocean Shores here in Washington for a few days. It was the entertainment one evening of our stay. You came across so well and made the character so believable. I’ve seen the priests repeatedly of course. I quote Campbell Scott all the time . . . and love Gordon Pinsent on Red Green. I also spied Tamara Hope in a couple of commercials and Murdoch Mysteries, too. You were in some movie about a reformatory I think, but other than that I haven’t seen you. What are you doing? I would like to write an article about you and your career. What’s up?
Thanks for writing . . . and thanks for the video. The film just screams Canada!