Rep. Sawyer, Rep. Condotta, and friends, are back with a new bill in the current legislative session that would erect signs for problem and pathological gamblers providing a toll-free hotline number to get help.
After all, they admit, “because the state promotes and regulates gambling, the state has a responsibility to continue to provide resources” for gambling addicts.
Like a phone number.
Wherever lottery tickets are sold; wherever horses race by; wherever casinos offer all manner of means by which to separate you from your money, those signs – if HB2332 passes – will be posted.
Oh, and also reflective of lawmaker’s compassionate twinge of conscience, given “the legislature finds that problem and pathological gambling continues to negatively impact individuals and families in this state” (imagine that), HB2332 would, in addition to the ‘get-help hotline signs’, also provide forms that addicts can complete that voluntarily self-exclude them from being allowed to bet anymore.
Wanna bet that’ll work? A baccarat addict will take a bureaucrat’s advice and ban himself from further bets?
And how does the legislature measure the effectiveness of such legislation?
Here’s how:
“Previous and ongoing efforts to prevent and assist people in treating problem and pathological gambling have proven beneficial such as” (here it comes) “increasing public awareness, funding treatment services for individuals, and requiring informational signs in gambling establishments.”
More signs.
The last time, at least in Lakewood, that funding was made available to treat gambling addicts, the Lakewood Police Department used the money – designated for therapy – to purchase sea doos.
But hope springs eternal, and Sawyer, Condotta and friends have only the best interests of the public in mind whether it’s gambling or marijuana.
Or do they?
Turns out the Sawyer- and Condotta-authored HB2336, as reported here in this publication recently, may not in fact be the representative-friendly, people’s voice considered first-and-last, altruistic legislation as judged initially.
Upon further investigation, turns out HB2336 – the bill that would give the right of petition to the people to oust marijuana from any jurisdiction state-wide – has some strings attached.
Making it nearly impossible to ban such businesses, HB2336 (a) takes away city council authority to pass a ban by ordinance and substitutes a requirement that a ban can only happen by a city placing a referendum on the ballot in a general election, and that only in an even numbered year which gives the marijuana industry the maximum amount of time to wrap their tentacles around the populace; entrenching their fortifications; and otherwise preparing for an assault not likely to come.
‘No assault likely to come’ because even if an even-numbered year petition drive were mounted, the citizen-initiated initiative process (option b) would require 30 percent of registered voters to sign the petition which, in Lakewood, approaches 10,000 people – more than usually even vote in most city elections.
All to say, Lakewood’s dependence upon the legislature – at least with regards gambling or marijuana – to provide help, real help, to those addicted to either evil, amounts to little more than signs and more signs; and signature-drive thresholds set so high only the greed of a money-grasping, people-addicting state government could love.
Meanwhile, here in the trenches of Lakewood, where hand-to-hand warfare is being waged (as in comments like paint-filled balloons launched from computers throughout the city) between those for and against pot setting up shop, there is a deadline of February 5 at 5 P.M. for the Planning Commission to receive written comments for inclusion in the public record.
The Planning Commission, whose members are listed here, ostensibly want to hear from you. The Planning Commission is due to make a recommendation concerning marijuana to the City Council whose members in turn are likely to decide in the next 30 days whether to allow marijuana retail or ban it, Rep. Sawyer and Condotta’s HB2336 notwithstanding.
You can continue of course lambasting the opposition here in response to this article but if you want to officially be on record you can send what you have to say to the Planning Commission by way of Assistant City Manager, and Director of Community Development, Dave Bugher at
Deadline February 5, 5 P.M.
Another case of Olympia Democrats thinking you are too stupid to plan your own life and that you should let them plan it for you, because after all – everyone knows how efficient and selfless government institutions are!
Thanks Dave for speaking out. We need to raise Lakewood not lower our standards. Your voice is important and I have posted comment with Dave Burgher in this proposal to find another tax revenue source vs. our desire to enhance our community’s reputation for a family friendly place to live. BK
Thank you for your letter Mr. Anderson.
Let’s see, what do promotors of dope shops need to make Lakewood a cesspool?
Gambling is a start.
Then add dope shops. Why, because promotors of dope shops lament, “Why should I have to drive outside Lakewood to buy marijuana so I can get high and act stupid?”
Following that logic, one might ask, why should anyone wishing to have sex with barnyard animals have to drive to Enumclaw.
Detractors may say that is a horse of a different color.
Then there is the other obvious problem brought up by those who want dope shops. That is, customers driving to Enumclaw for barnyard animal sex will shop in Enumclaw, not Lakewood.
Establishing dope shops is the next obvious step needed to make Lakewood a cesspool.
What comes next? Heroin, for medical purposes, of course? Prostitution? Barnyard sex?
All this discussion can be scrapped if public officials muster the backbone to stand up and remind dope promotors that marijuana is against Federal Law.
Yes, Washington dopers passed the marijuana law, but the weed has obviously made them lazy because dopers have not changed the Federal Law. I am told marijuana will do that sometimes.
So to dopers I say, put your roach down, get up off your couch, and plead your case to Washington DC politicians.
Once dope is no longer against Federal Law, you will then be in position to intelligently discuss the pros and cons of dope shops in Lakewood.
Joseph Boyle
Mr. Anderson,
I wish to make a second comment as long as I can do so without an extra charge.
Did you hear about the law enforcement sting in Oregon? Twenty percent of the dope shops tested in Oregon were caught selling dope to juveniles. Why? Money, that is why. The more dope dope shops can sell the more money dope sellers can make.
My limited law enforcement sting operation experience tells me that if Lakewood City Council authorizes dope shops in Lakewood, eventually, especially after the spotlight dims, juveniles will be buying and smoking dope supplied to them by Lakewood dope shops.
Joseph Boyle – Accused of being a Puritan, like that is a bad thing.
First, I’m all for legalized marijuana and support legal shops. And no, I haven’t smoked any since the 70’s. Having said that I have to say as a life long resident of Lakewood (64 yrs and counting) put me in the “not in my backyard” group. There are plenty of legal shops for those who use very close by. I just don’t want to see all the ‘Green Crosses’ throughout our community and I have to agree that we need to enhance our city and more mind altering substance shops just doesn’t do that…we have enough booze emporiums already. If and when it becomes legal on the federal level than sell it in the liquor stores for those that choose to use. But I have absolutely no confidence the City Council will do either what is best for our community nor what the citizens want.
Lakewood wouldn’t want to put ‘hood weed dealers out of business now, they’ll need to arrest more people for the revenue to help pay the $15M settlement against them
The City Council try’s to sound intelligent by stating how much money they don’t want to leave on the table. But they never mention the increase of crime its going to attract and eat into their profit . What are they thinking wanting bring the slum back into the areas they have worked so hard to clean up .
I wonder how many city officials smoke pot themselves ? I think that is a fair question.
It’s about time for Tillipot Shop!
Thank you again City of Lakewood Council, you are doing so much for us citizens and you don’t let the few complainers outway the majority who support you!
Tillicum is the best location because it has already been the location to buy for many many years anyway.
Put the illegals pot sellers out of business and clean up!
Same reply for the same story you did before. WOT