Recently I wrote an article titled Westside Story – Coffee Shop Challenge. If you are interested in winning a coveted prize in the Coffee Shop Challenge, click my link for details.
My story listed 10 of the top coffee shops in our area. Reader, Dave Wilson, reminded me that I had forgotten BlueSteele Coffee & Cafe. Mr. Wilson was correct, so my article should have included 11 coffee shops.
BlueSteele Coffee & Cafe is hereby authorized to count in the Coffee Shop Challenge. I can change the rules of this contest because, as you know, I am Joe Boyle.
Let’s talk about one of the top coffee shops on my original list, Topside Coffee Cabin. I get a kick out of creating and using acronyms. My friends learn Joe Boyle-speak and soon enough we have our own shortcut language. Even Trump’s dreaded spies from North Korea can’t figure out what Joe Boyle is talking about.
My acronym for Topside Coffee Cabin, is TCC. I know, if you are not in the know, you will only know TCC as Tacoma Community College. But, if you are hip and an insider when someone says, I will meet you at TCC for coffee, you will motor over to Topside Coffee Cabin not the community college.
Port Steilacoom Building Complex. Alley to left leads you to free open and covered parking.Topside Coffee Cabin is located at 115 Wilkes St, Suite 102, Steilacoom, WA 98388. T: 253-244-7190. Hours 6:00a – 3:00p. It is possible TCC may expand their summer hours.
Great coffee, homemade pastries, breakfast and lunch items including paninis and soups. The baristas are highly intelligent, personable and possess a good sense of humor. At least they laugh at my jokes.
Adding to the attractiveness of this coffee shop is the fact that Topside Coffee Cabin has an enjoyable local and national clientele. I have met some amazingly interesting people at TCC including Bill, Una, Jessie, Mark, Ria, Daryl, Marianne, Tim, and a guy from the Windy City to name a few.
Jesse is a retired gentleman who has a decade’s long background raising, training and racing homing pigeons. You do not meet pigeon wranglers every day. Yes, you guessed it. I am working on a pigeon article.
Topside Coffee Cabin AKA TCC located in the Port Steilacoom Building.Before moving on, let me share that TCC is now hiring. TCC is looking for people who possess the following qualifications: “18 years old, Must be Awesome and No Coffee Experience necessary.”
I thought I might apply for a job as a TCC barista, but based on the chalkboard advertisement, I do not qualify. I am actually closer to age 118 than 18. No one has ever described me as awesome. I know how to make Cuban espresso so I do not fit the “no experience necessary” description either.
I am going to keep my eye on the ad in case TCC lowers their standards to accept applicants who fit my profile. “Must be 74”, “Must be mediocre”, “Must have just enough experience to make the barista candidate think and act like they know everything.”
Back to my main story. The photo below communicates a lot. First, there is friendly and gracious Barista Evan. Evan is a master at remembering each customer’s name. At my age, I find it handy when Evan greets me by name. For me, it is a useful reminder.
Look how lively the coffee shop interior is. “FRESH BAKED” treats are baked right on site. Often I arrive when a pastry is coming out of the oven.
There is a small computer screen repeat customers can use to check in. After 10 visits, a good customer earns a free beverage. Actually, the computer does not discriminate. After 10 visits, a bad customer earns a free beverage too.
If you are like me, retired on a fixed income, there is more good news. TCC offers a free copy of The News Tribune which actually includes good and bad news as news goes.
Barista Evan.As you can see by the red cup, Evan drinks TCC coffee. It is always a bad sign if a coffee shop employee goes out for Starbucks during their work break.
I keep thinking I am finished talking about the positive virtues of TCC when something else comes to mind.
There is more. When warmer weather arrives, customers can sit on a large balcony and take in the spectacular view of the islands, Olympic Mountains, and Puget Sound as you enjoy TCC food and drink.
Puget Sound views from TCC deck.Parking is not immediately obvious, but I never have trouble parking; ever. On your first visit, stay focused on your parking tactics so you do not end up parking in a street-side or parking lot tow zone. The No Parking areas are well marked.
There is ample free parking on the street above and the street below TCC. There are several free parking spaces behind the TCC building. On weekends ONLY you can park in the parking garage under the TCC building. There is a paid parking lot next door. I never use the paid lot. I use my parking lot money to buy more coffee.
Try Topside Coffee Cabin. I guarantee you will be happier than a United Airlines passenger being dragged off an overbooked flight.
This was a great article and I look forward to reading more of Joseph Boyle’s articles!
Didn’t realize I could sit outside in good weather. On which day (or hour) will that occur?
Dr. Hart,
You missed it. I sat on the patio in the sun on this past Thursday, May 4, 2017, at 11:30a.
Summer is now officially over.
Joseph Boyle
Do they have Tea? I hate coffee but the treats look scrumptious.
Hello David!
I’m Evan, the TCC barista from the article. We do have tea! It’s from Mad Hat Tea Company in downtown Tacoma.
Hope to see you around Steilacoom some time!
A gathering place to have great coffee/tea with friends was the plan of Caroline Brady when she first started the coffee shop now know as TCC. Delicious fresh baked items were introduced by Nyki & Katie when TCC was known as Two Teaspoons. I am very grateful to past and current owners for creating a very special place in Steilacoom!